Sunday 1 February 2015

Shopping day

Met up with Kai Wen today to do some shopping for Chinese New Year clothes! Shopped from Somerset to Orchard and by the time we were done, we were dead beat. I'm not even kidding when I say we started talking incoherently in the end hahaha

Had dinner at Charlie Brown Cafe and we both thought the food was quite bad. I think we can cook a better breakfast set than this.
 Lesson learnt of the day - Food that are a feast to your eyes doesn't mean it would be a feast to your taste buds 

While queuing to try our clothes at Editors Market.
Was quite irritated initially when I couldn't find anything nice from F21 and H&M. Editor's market is a lifesaver #muchexaggerationthough 

Bought this

& this!

Found this later on at F21. Told Kaiwen I should buy this and wear this every single day. Story of my life much? Hahaha

All in all, a super great day spent! Although we were super exhausted but hey look, it's a good workout done! HAHA. And I haven't went shopping for quite some time so I was really glad I did so today. 

Now, time to resist temptations of wearing my new clothes until Chinese New Year hehehe.

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