Sunday 1 February 2015

January in a nutshell

Hey there! 

Welcome to my photo vomit post. Since I haven't posted in a month, here's some photos from my camera roll on how my January went as dated. Here goes! (Beware: photo spam ahead)

2nd Jan 

My now all time favorite lip balm. So moisturizing and addictive to use! 

Benefit trial set

Camwhore after my haircut. Back to side bangs! I actually don't have a lot of a lot camwhore photos in my phone..... But when I do, this happens.

4th Jan 

Green tea cola! It actually taste quite nice

Keisuke Ramen with colleague after work. Super duper rich soup base! So much so that it was quite jelat after awhile. But still pretty nice! 

Then went for dessert! 

HAHAHA. I completely forgot this was in my camera roll. I think I was arguing with a friend on what sound penguins make. He thinks this yahoo answer is fake btw. Hahaha

5th Jan

Another photo I probably screenshot thinking that I should try. Well, I haven't even started with day one of the routine.

7th Jan 

Cereal fest! Decided to buy the whole row to try. The verdict? Half of them was really *thumbs down* Too bland for my liking! 

8th Jan 

Well.... Earl grey milk tea anytime, any day!! 

9th Jan 

Met up with Bryan for a very belated christmas exchange and dinner. 

My second time at Pique Nique and it reminded me why me and Crystal said it was bad the first time we went. 

One of the highlights of the day that make me laugh thinking back was this conversation: 

Waiter: what do you want for your drinks? 
Me: can I have a pot of chamomile tea? 
B: I would like to have a SOPHISTICATED cup of ....... Ice water 

HAHA. Ok maybe it's just me but it was quite funny at that moment. Even the waiter was laughing.

10th Jan

Sushi night with Huishi and Crystal. Three of my most well-liked things / people together, x. 

11th Jan 

Snapchat caption says it all. Hahaha. So apparently this famous bai mee fen store opened its latest branch at Punggol so we went to try. Well, it's not too bad. But waiting time needs to maintain please.

12th Jan 

Eh.. This is in my camera roll because I was looking for ideas to do my nails for CNY. 
The sheep super cute right?!

Dad's lunar birthday so mummy made red eggs for him 

And decided to paint my own nails after donkey years. I thought I did not bad hehe. 


And the search for CNY nail ideas continue..

13th Jan 

Was looking for stock for my favorite tea! Didn't manage to get it from guardian so went to google where else sells this.Now I'm stuck with the normal chamomile tea (w/o lavender) from this brand. Which actually took me some effort, having to request to reserve it once stocks arrives seeing how it's always OOS. 

14th Jan 

15th Jan 

16th Jan 

Treasure from childhood years. I wonder why they discontinue this ): I like this so much more than kinder joy, hands-down! So yummy!

Not in luck for online purchases nowadays. The stock didn't look as nice as the picture and it didn't look good on me ): #firstworldproblems

17th Jan 

Tip from my chamomile tea bag! 
Common-yet-difficult-to-achieve advice.

18th Jan 

Berries!!!!!!! Did I mention how much I love berries?! This much! *holds arms wide apart* 

Berry fact - how many fruits are there in a strawberry? 1? Nope, the answer is 2. I recall reading somewhere that the seeds on strawberries are actually a fruit by itself or something like that. 

Correct me if I'm wrong hehe.

19th Jan 

And I thought it was too salty for my liking.

On the way home @ 7.37pm. 

20th Jan

Which looks quite unappetizing looking at it now. Took too long to cut the rest of the fruits until my apple turned brown. Have to remember to cut apples last now! 

21st Jan

22nd Jan 

Old classic, favorite classic. Old is good! 

Was hungry when I got home and I decided to cook myself some soup. Here's jap seaweed and egg soup. 

I've got to say...... I really cook well. Not. 

It tasted so bland I thought I was drinking boiled water or something. Had to add a lot more soy sauce and pepper after that. 

23rd Jan

Ooooo screenshot this to get a better idea on which yoghurts are actually beneficial haha. 

And again HAHA

30th Jan

Swee Choon with Stanley and Ben. Been so long since I met up with these sec school buddies. 

Bill came up to be $80 for the three of us which we thought was quite a lot for dim sum hahaha. Ended up with so much food we had to dabao back. 

31st Jan 

Sushi night with Amos!! 

Watched project almanac. Or at least that's what I think the movie is called. It's about time traveling & pretty good

And this wraps up my first month of the new year and my photo vomit taken in January.

This year started rocky and I can only hope and try my best to make the days to come as best and fulfilling as I can. 

Can't wait for the better days to come already! Pretty excited for February with a lot of meet-ups planned and of course Chinese New Year!!

February please be good to me okay?

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