Sunday 15 February 2015

Edge @ Pan Pacific / Mummy's birthday

So I celebrated my mum's birthday this week! Took leave on her birthday and for lunch, we went to Seletar Mall.

Had lunch at Swensens's!

Cute swensen's dessert menu

Sometimes........ I got to say........ my art is really quite good leh!

And dinner was at Edge at Pan Pacific Hotel! Chose Edge because just nice my mum's birthday is on a Thursday and they have seafood theme buffet on Thursdays. Thought the buffet was quite good with quite a large variety of choices. And we also had a 3 + 1 promo with credit card promotion so that's a plus point! 

Here are some photos of the spread! 

I always start with seafood whenever I go to buffets haha. Its quite appetising for me somehow

And they have a grilled seafood stand too! So fragrant the prawns

And they have local delights like satay as well

Hehe my illustration on snapchat

Daddy Ang

Daughter Ang

I thought I did quite a good job with this snapchat video hahaha

Earl Grey tea and dessert
If you guys happen to go for this buffet, do try the chocolate (shown in the bottom of the plate)
Its rum, green tea and raspberry flavoured chocolate! And man, is it nice! Heard from mum that its one of the highlights from their dessert spread.
The rum flavour was a tad strong though haha. Dad commented that it tastes like rum neat haha

Durian Pengat!!
ITS SO GOOOOOOOD! Taste like the real thing! Ugh craving for this right now..........

With the main star of the day

So unfair! I look the biggest sized here. ):

Complimentary slice of cake

With Mummy Ang. Looking good as always! How I wish I can look like that at her age...

Ft. Photobomb daughter #2 Ang

Guess couple watch I got for my parents as my mum's birthday present cum my parent's anniversary present since it's their anniversary next week.
 Ladies and gentlemen, this is what you call "Two birds with one stone". 
Ok, kidding! But I thought it would be a good gift, hence....

Also made / gave her a present specially for her! Made her a video with a little help from her friends and family. Asked them to send me their birthday greetings and compiled it.

Glad she likes it and she posted it on Fb too. Did a few videos for my cut before I managed to get one that is at least satisfactory. Some awkward pauses here and there though. Felt quite shy when she's watching my cut I wanted to hide haha

All in all, a great day spent with my family celebrating my mum's birthday. The downside is the fats gained from all the feasting. But well, I guess its worth it for good food compared to fats gained from chips or something hehe. I should probably go running soon or something. Keyword being "should". Yup, I should.

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