Thursday 3 October 2013

Wednesday x

Hi guys! It's Wednesday and its the mid week woohoo!! Day for me was rather slackish. Ok la not really, I had 3 hours GP lecture today and Geog tutorial. Was surviving with the 4 hours sleep yesterday.

And GP lecture was so embarrassing for me. Guess what happened? My hungry stomach decided to growl. Not 1 time, not 2 times, not 3 times, but I think like freaking 5 times. GOSH. 

Haha somemore the lecture hall damn quiet cos everyone doing paper la and people all around me heard it including my friend from the row in front of mine. Y I SO GLUTTON HAI. 

Anyway, am on the way to bayfront now for dinner at Todai! Complimentary for 3 person cos of the unsatisfying experience the last time we went there and complained numerous times. haha. What a long journey sigh. And I'm so bored right now. 

Let me show you some of my childhood photos. 

My #whatpubertydid to me -> forever ugly IC photos. 

Hahaha. And I think this is from my birthday

Hen cute hor HAHAHAHAHA. Praise myself yi xia. Kidding la hehehe. 

Alright bye bye!!! 

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