Thursday 27 February 2014

Sweet romance

Yes, I'm officially taken.

No longer available to mingle yo! 

Thank you all for your best wishes! My boyfriend has officially proposed to me...... And I'm now "one less lonely girl" with my 10 carrot, no sorry I mean 10 carat ring. 

Can't wait for our honeymoon to La la land. I love you hubby! 

Monday 24 February 2014

Good Vibes

My recent addiction - The Voice!

I LOVE IT! Have been catching up with the old episodes and I just LOVE LOVE it! Haha the vibes is awesome, like I actually feel good watching it if y'know what I mean. Watching the UK version currently.

Probably due to the fact that all of the singers have a certain standard up there so it's actually delightful to hear them sing. Even if they do not get into the teams, the judges have something good to say and it's good enough. I feel myself dancing and singing along to the songs. And smiling non stop hahaha

And seeing their loved ones so supportive of them just melts my heart...

I even dreamt of my boyfriend (in my dreams hahaha) singing to me pfffft. Must be from watching the singings before I sleep.

But I can't help but think how similar the show is to real life. It's like if you missed the opportunity in life (like how the judges missed the chance to turn back and go for the singers), you missed it. Without even noticing the opportunity while it was there when you had your chance. And then after awhile you realise you missed an opportunity given to you (like how the judges see the faces of the singers only after they turn) 

P.S Danny is so cute hehehehe. The way he laugh...... And his tongue out. Hahaha

Ok lame update but its my off day so it's my call bay-beh! hahahaha yoga soon. Back to The Voice now. Bye world.

Monday 17 February 2014

Some days may smile, some days may not. But just smile, always.

Recent days has been not bad for me. In fact, better than expected. I got my pay, bought nice shampoo for myself hehe (which the smell makes me feel so happy when I bathe) , bought presents for people I love, enrolled on yoga (ommmmmm)

Super love my new shampoo even though the texture isn't that good. The aromatic smell makes up for it! And also, it's silicone-free as compared to those off the shelves from supermarket. I just had to splurge and reward myself (I'm usually more prudent) hehe. The reviews from online is good too so I guess it's worth the buy (trying hard to convince myself out of guilt).

Other things that I have recently splurge on with my first pay also includes more yummy food for myself and the occasional starbucks whenever I work at NEX branch to make myself feel better

Passion Fruit Sorbet from my work place. It tastes really authentic, like the passion fruit taste is strong and doesn't taste artificial. And, I really liked sour stuff so it's good!

Love this chocolate! Found it at a chocolate road fair at AMK Hub! My family really likes this too. Mum's colleague usually helped us buy this from Germany. I think this is from Germany? Glad that we found it in Singapore!

My $8.90 chicken chop from Waffletown near my work place to reward myself from work. I swear after I start working I have more excuses to splurge on myself. Like sometimes I will tell myself "aye just spend on this la, you worked so hard already, don't be too tough on yourself" or "you deserve the treat, you are already so tired" hahahaha

And also some recent days/events that makes me feel happy! (Note: pretty messy backlog ahead) I'm trying to love life recently and I promise you, the more you concentrate on the good things in life, the better you feel. Here are some days/events I felt I had fun and good (& also managed to snap photos) recently ...... Doesn't mean I never mention for some of the days means I didn't had a good day that day ah... Haha I just happened to have photos of some good days! 

1. Lunar New Year - Day 7 (Ren ri)

I had a great dinner on the 7th day of Chinese new year since it was ren-ri meaning everyone's birthday. Went to grandma's house and enjoyed the good food she cooked. I seriously have to learn cooking from her man. (Just that I'm too lazy to be very honest......)

Bought Chewy Junior over for everyone after work. I think I'm never ever gonna buy chewy junior anymore. Not that it's not nice , in fact, its nice! But, somehow whenever we buy chewy junior for like next day's breakfast, no one eats it and we always end up throwing it away ( & mummy will start nagging hahahaha) 

Super yum dinner. Although it's just home-cooked food, it's one of the best meals that I can ever have. My grandma should seriously go open a food stall. Like her food is really use hours to prepared. The soup itself already take hours because my grandma cooks it over charcoal. Super fragrant and yums!

Bek-tor-hew. HAHA don't know how to type this in hokkein la. But it's like pregnant fish? It's usually only available during chinese new year. Love the fish but my grandma always say don't eat too much of the egg, later your maths will de-prove. hahaha lao ren jia de logic.

Yu sheng again. My dad super funny. He went to buy yu sheng at first from the supermarket. When we were ready to toss, we then realise he didn't bought like shredded carrots and veg. And he was like, "huh I didn't know need to buy, I thought it's inside" hahaha. So ended up aunt bought this from a nearby cafe,

2. Mummy's birthday

My gift to mummy bought with my first pay from work. Kinda sad like that day at the store, I was like browsing for a gift for my mum. And most of the other customers are males browsing gifts for their gfs for valentine's day. I probably looked like some sad girl buying a gift for myself on Valentine's...

I didn't take a picture of the present but this is what I got her! 

We went to east coast for prawn mee in the morning on her birthday! I think this prawn mee quite famous. The prawn mee is good and so is the price. (note the sarcasm) haha. It's like priced at $5.50, a tad expensive for prawn mee. But I guess it's worth it for the good food.

Then we headed to Dempsey Hill's Jumbo for dinner!

My first time trying this - bamboo clams. It tasted a bit "fishy" though. Not sure if it's unfresh or it's suppose to be like that.

And, dessert was at PS Cafe!

Went to the mini pond to take photos!

3. Valentine's day dinner

I had a great valentine's day with a hot date. None other than my mum HAHA. At least I had a nice dinner with people I love!

4. Giving out balloons at NEX

To be honest, this isn't something that makes me happy, as in the giving out of balloons. But the very fact that it turned out so much better than I imagined makes me happy. 

I was pretty worried prior to that day because I didn't fancy the idea of giving out balloons and flyers. I tried giving out flyers once previously and it failed miserably. It felt like I owe people living and that I'm a plague for them to avoid me to avoid getting the flyers.

But that day when giving out balloons, young kids actually come up to me to take the balloons. And they were really excited and happy about it, thanking me and all. The smiles when they receive the balloons are priceless. And it made me felt really good!

I gave out flyers that day too and although some people gave me disturbed look when I tried to give them flyers but I wasn't feeling that depressed and sad about it compared to the previous attempt. I guess the main reason is the very fact that I told myself to just not care about what people think of me and just try to have fun! And I did!
Boo at you guys who didn't take flyers from me. One point for Crystal HAHAHA. Kidding. It's ok if you guys didn't take my flyers, I can understand why. But then again...... Why is it so hard to take a flyer huh........ huh huh huh! 

Our cute student playing with the balloons after class! Super cute haha. Like when we were pumping the balloons, he covered his ears cos it was too loud for him haha

5. Kaelyn's Second birthday

Us in red for Kaelyn's Mickey and Minnie Mouse theme party at SAF Seaview Resort! 
Happy birthday cutie!

One of the highlights - meeting Shaun (Runner up from "The Final One").
Why he so cute! I look really cui beside him man.... Clothes also borrow from aunt one cos I went over after work. But oh well, at least I had a photo with him hehehehe. Cousin went all crazy and high when we spotted him at the party. Aunt posted this photo on Facebook and my mummy's friends asked who is he and commented that they thought it was my bf. HAHAHA I WISH AH! You all don't thought thought thought leh, later you all thought so much I also thought he's my bf man. Ok just kidding, Shaun's fans don't kill me

Our super failed attempt at a heart shape jump shot... Look more like shitting hahaaha. Had a fun time at the beach doing stupid things though! 

Trying to do those back-bend-hand-touch-floor things that dancers seems to do it so easily. Cousin was doing it and I tried. I really tried.

I love my hair here hehehehe so just look at my hair and ignore my body ahah

And now? I'm just sitting here blogging and sipping my new bought Asian White tea. Tea makes me happy man. Please buy me tea for Christmas or birthday next time. Won't go wrong choice HAHAHA. I think my next new interest might be buying more tea to try hahaha. Maybe from those tea house or something. Any tea lovers please share with me where to get good tea!

It's my off day today. So went to accompanied ah ma to her cataract surgery. So glad she's okay now. And then spent the rest of the day lazing around and went for yoga class at night!
Feeling a bit sore now from my first yoga lesson just now. Been a long break since I last did yoga, like 2 years ago?

Hm....... Now, after this long post that ended up with a bit of everything and everywhere and everyday. I don't know how to end this post. HAHAHAHA. So I'm just gonna end this awkwardly and say bye to you. BYEEEEEEE.