Tuesday 11 February 2014

I'm sleepy.


I'm so high right now I think I can puke rainbows and fly among the unicorns. It's kinda weird since it's 12.25am right now and all I'm doing is talking to myself, reading the words out loud while I'm typing this. 

I think I'm a little crazy now, just watched two videos of myself singing so horribly to my iPhone that my screen cracked and another one of me talking to the phone about my thoughts of buying a ukulele, acting like a YouTube vlog superstar. 

I swear my period is coming soon because just hours ago I was in the midst of typing a super emo blogpost about my insecurities and now I'm a happy girl drinking my pot of gold rainbow tea from unicorn land and typing this. 

Anyway. I really want to buy a ukulele! But I can't really decide which ones to buy. I mean it all depends on how long I will play with it. I have a record of getting sick of playing instruments/hobbies pretty fast. So if I'm not going to play a ukulele for long, then must as well get from q0010 (WHY DO THEY HAVE TO CHANGE THEIR NAME FROM GMARKET!!!! So hard to remember)! It's really cheap like below $25 and there's cute melon designs and smiley face ones. But the quality is not that good from reviews.

But if I'm going to get involved in the ukulele hobby for long then I should buy a good quality and expensive one! 

Hmmmm. I can't decide. Now my eyes are a little droopy. It's weird cos I'm so high minutes ago. Is it the crash from highness???!?!????? 

Urgh now my sleeping log is disrupted because I slept the whole day since I'm off from work today.

Ok I'm gonna sing "somewhere over the rainbow" now to myself to sleep. No wait, my voice is horrid. Later all the windows crack I no need to sleep liao. 

Whatever bye good night. I'm tired now.
Somehow the little logical part of me left now is telling me I will regret this post tmr and think I'm crazy. 

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