Monday 24 February 2014

Good Vibes

My recent addiction - The Voice!

I LOVE IT! Have been catching up with the old episodes and I just LOVE LOVE it! Haha the vibes is awesome, like I actually feel good watching it if y'know what I mean. Watching the UK version currently.

Probably due to the fact that all of the singers have a certain standard up there so it's actually delightful to hear them sing. Even if they do not get into the teams, the judges have something good to say and it's good enough. I feel myself dancing and singing along to the songs. And smiling non stop hahaha

And seeing their loved ones so supportive of them just melts my heart...

I even dreamt of my boyfriend (in my dreams hahaha) singing to me pfffft. Must be from watching the singings before I sleep.

But I can't help but think how similar the show is to real life. It's like if you missed the opportunity in life (like how the judges missed the chance to turn back and go for the singers), you missed it. Without even noticing the opportunity while it was there when you had your chance. And then after awhile you realise you missed an opportunity given to you (like how the judges see the faces of the singers only after they turn) 

P.S Danny is so cute hehehehe. The way he laugh...... And his tongue out. Hahaha

Ok lame update but its my off day so it's my call bay-beh! hahahaha yoga soon. Back to The Voice now. Bye world.

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