Tuesday 4 February 2014

Chinese New Year (Part 1)

Happy Lunar New Year guys!! I wish you all good luck, happiness, good health and that you will excel in everything you embark on! And for those who are single to be able to find a good bf/gf cos Valentine's day is coming HAHA.

I love Chinese New Year, I really do. I mean its practically the biggest thing for chinese and its just nice to see all your relatives again and enjoy all the good food. Have a guess what's my fav thing to eat in this festive season! Ba kuah? Love letters? Arrow head chips?

hahaha none of the above. I love oranges the most. If I can, I want to own a orange farm man. Any orange lovers put your hands up in the air! WOOHOO. haha actually, its just mandarin oranges that I really like which is more oftenly seen during chinese new year.

On average, I eat like at least 3 mandarin oranges a day? I'm not even joking that last year after Chinese new year, I was down with acid reflux. Had too much oranges that I had cough, phlegm and all. Oh well, oranges are still really yum hehe. Especially love those oranges that have like a softer skin, if you know what I mean, so that I can just peel it really easily.

And sometimes I like to bite off the opening like the skin (of the flesh) then eat the flesh skinless. HAHAHAHA. Do you guys get what I mean? It's ok if you don't because this sounds a bit like I'm describing a cannibal scene. (Ok choy cny don't say this kind of thing)

Anyway, sadly, a few days before chinese new year our car got into an accident (HAHA this sounds like our car moved by itself and got into an accident itself but you know what I mean), We could have gotten our car back for convenience sake during cny if we stick to the original mutual agreement with the other party that we will pay for our own damages each. And get it done in any workshop in no time. But the stupid idiot (sorry for swearing) other party go and claim insurance against us and we have to send our car to the insurance's authorized workshop which weren't available until after cny. Thanks for going against your words ah woman. Thanks for doing that to us while you enjoy driving around during cny. Thanks for betraying the mutual agreement and trust. I don't like you. At. All.

Ok enough of the negative vibes..........


For mine and I believe most chinese's tradition, I went over to both my grandparents side to have reunion dinner. Usually I go over to my dad's side family to have dinner first then to my mum's side. But usually by then I go over to my mum's side I'm already so full I can't eat anymore.

Steamboat at dad's family side. This is going to sound really dramatic but while having dinner, I was like struck with a sudden sense of blissfulness and happiness. It's like man, such good food my grandma prepared and I'm really glad to be just there eating together with my family. #truestory 

Pretty tao hua lighting thing my uncle bought haha

With grandma! X. I seriously seriously seriously think my grandma is like the most self-sacrificial person I've ever known. It's like you see the good spread of food we enjoyed right, she will always insist we eat first and say she's not hungry (don't know true or not). Then when she was eating right, I purposely sit there see she got eat or not. 

Ming ming got a lot of ingredients left and in the fridge also, she say she will just eat what's left in the steamboat cos she don't want to waste food... But anyway, I see already very bu shuang, ownself prepare the steamboat and ingredients one never enjoy, so I go and take a lot of ingredients and put inside the steamboat. Then go take empty bowl and scoop it for her to make sure she eats. And feel very happy HAHA. 

Er which monster use my phone take photo ah. Hahaha. Photo taken with "PowerCam" This app is like my ultimate help to friend friend with kids. Cos it usually always intrigues and amaze the small kids then they will friend friend with me since obviously I'm the owner of the phone and is the one who showed them this app.So much win for me HEHE

I have never ever tied braids myself because I don't have the patience and I don't know how haha. Pretty braids tied by Yan Ru hehe (ft my ugly pimples too ): )

Mama with the cute panda hat thing a friend got me from Taiwan. 

Usually after dinner and watching some channel 8 cny celebration show, after midnight, we will head to temples and chinatown. Last few years I will always end up returning home at only 5am onwards. But this year since we were all tired,we went to a nearby temple and returned home at 1 plus in the morning.

There's thing belief called "shou ye" where the longer the kids stay up at night on that day the longer the parents will live. I tried, I really tried. But still ended up sleeping at around 3am. );


Went to aunt house to bai nian with grandma and the aunts! Then went to 2 grand-aunts house and back to aunt house to chit chat, gamble and eat again etc etc.

My mandarin orange bag very cute hor! Hehe kept it for years liao

Dad and sister

With dad

I love it when grandma cooks beehoon the next day with leftover ingredients from the steamboat. Super yum hehe. Plus chilli padi, gosh life is good. HAHAHA ok too exaggerating. 

Cute little mini Kirin Beer aunt got!

Thanks Yan Ru. My cousin really loves me.

My pretty nails that Yan ru slowly did for me with the nail stickers I got from f21. Bought it because we needed $2 more to reach $68 so that got 10% discount HAHAHA. Thanks Ru ; X. Cos I probably wouldn't use it for a long time cos I have pretty little patience when it comes to things like that

Yay banluck for me

And again hehehe. Play blackjack with cousins with coins. Ended up with lots of coins hahaha

With Gabriel. Met him for a short while cos he stays really near to my grandma house. So chit chat for awhile before I have to leave since my parents finish their mahjong game already.


Day 2 was kind of sian cos we didn't have anywhere to go visit. So we ended up going to NEX in hope to watch "Robocop". Which very unfortunately, when we got to NEX, all of the tickets were sold out for all movies until like really late at night at 11 plus. 

So went to Din Tai Fung for dinner!

I was like cheated into eating this, daddy say inside is prawn filling. Purposely lie to me cos I really hate eating pork with the minimal exception of some pork products. I ended up spitting this out. Ew. 

ZZZZ. Pork again. Definitely not me who ordered this.

This is AWESOME!!!!!! Its earl grey lemon tea. It's like totally made for me man since I love earl grey and I love ice lemon tea. Yum yum slurp slurp such goodness. LOL at the ball of ice. Its quite fun to play with spinning it round and round. I wanna have ice balls at home too, so cool!

Guess who ordered this? HAHAHA MEEEEEEEE. This is how I like my noodles to be, no meat, with soup and with veg. The noodles with chicken weren't available that day so I ordered this. Not that I would enjoy the chicken though. A bit on the steep side for pricing though, it's like $6 for just noodles. Oh well, it's still yummy in my tummy. (hey that rhymes!)

Xiao Long Bao. // Small dragon bun.
It's not dragon meat inside ah, its pork which I don't like. But I like the skin and the soup inside.
Sigh conflicting thoughts. 

Photos below was taken using self-timer in the void deck. Dad got bored waiting for us and went upstairs first HAHA. Girls got to do what they got to do papa.

I really dislike my fringe now, it's getting too long. Need a haircut soon once the cny surcharge in hair salons are gone.

Super actscxvsx and stepswxxszx photo. Got sheep learn sheep, got cow learn cow HAHAHA. Means yo yang xue yang la aiyoh.


Ok that's all for now! I will update part two (day 3 and day 4) later cos I type this post until my shoulders really hurt hehe. Ok bye!

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