Sunday 26 May 2013


 I hate that I'm still thinking of you now and then. I hate the walls I learnt to built up because of you. I'm choosing to believe and maybe, its really the truth that....... I guess...... I miss the memories, not you. 

Let go of the past for the future will be a better one.

Crystal Di Caprios, maybe?

Watched great gatsby recently, although the ending is sad, it reminds me of hope and love, that true love still exists. One of my fav movie now. Can't believe I have never heard of it before.

P.S. Leonardo Di Caprios is SO HOT.

Saturday 18 May 2013


It's Friday again! Had gp paper today, well I guess it's just meh......

Went to find mum at Waterloo street to pray and went orchard! Isetan was having closed door sales. Then went to Canelè for my dinner and high tea hahaha. Ordered a tea set for $25++. Set's for 2! Includes 2 macarons(which we chose salted caramel, cookies and cream) , one cake (mango short cake) , finger sandwich (ham and cheese)! Also includes velvet earl grey as well as ice lemon tea. Pretty much a good deal! Yums. Everything is just so heavenly! My fav dessert place as per now! 

Two macarons is simply not enough, so we got 12 more hahahahahha. 12's for $21++. Which I guess is pretty affordable! Compare it to the current popular laudree macarons, the same cost can probably only get you 5 or 6 macarons! 

Then went to guess since guess has offer as well! On top of the discounted price, purchase of 5 items has additional 15% off. And members get another 5% off. Was damn worth it! Got myself a guess tshirt and a watch! 

Guess how much is it!!! It's only $59! Can you believe it?!? Original price was $150 then 50% off then 15% off and another 5% off! I finally have my own watch after my white Levi's one spoiled.... (Been wearing my mum's watch for awhile now) hahahaha. Today was a pretty great day! Glad I went out with my mama although I'm not suppose to cos I have so many more papers left.... But oh well.

Till the next time, good night! And can I just say how glad I am to blogger app now?!? The updated version now allows me to position my photo wherever I like instead of right smack at the end like last time. Loveeeeee it! Thanks blogger ;) alrighty ciao! 

Thursday 16 May 2013

For I'm truly blessed

Thank you god for sending me angels in giving me a push when I'm down. I'm truly blessed.

Thank you Audric for that phone call. You are amazing. And thank you Dom for always giving me encouragement everyday. 

Thanks guys I really needed that. No words can describe how grateful and appreciative I am at this moment. Thanks, from the bottom of my heart. 

I will never fail, because Im surrounded by people who cares. MYE, lets get you over and done with. I might not do well this time but the next round of exams, watch me , to those who say I can't. 

5 things about myself

5 THINGS (I think people do not know) ABOUT MYSELF

1) Whenever I get nervous, I get stomachaches. That feeling of nervous-ness can be for the lamest thing, like reaching sch in my dad's car & I haven't tie my hair, or like during important exams. It sucks. So much so that sometimes when i get that stomachache-crampy feeling, I don't even know if I'm subconciously nervous or really having a stomachache.

2) I have never ever love any guy before. Yes, I do have boyfriends before but I just realise recently I have never fallen in love with any guys....... I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Infatuation,puppy love, lust , yes but no, not love.

3) I'm really insecure, and I don't have high self-confidence. I'm pretty sensitive for a start. But i'm improving on all these gradually already.

4) I appreciate guys who are honest in a good way (not the awfully honest kind, like telling you "omg,girl you are one fat ass whale" kind), a lot. That's one of the turn-ons and qualities I look for in guys. E.g if you did something wrong or really bad, be honest with me. Don't let me find out.

5) I dislike it when my schedule doesn't go my way. eg, if I planned to wake up, bathe, go library and study. And someone last minute pull me to go for lunch , I will feel pekcek. I guess I like it when things are under my control.

Just a random post, I'm feeling kinda touchy recently. Exam period you see. Boohoo

Monday 13 May 2013

Taiwan trip short update

I know I said I wanted to post about Taiwan since forever. It has been months considering I went there last december. ahha but its too much to talk about and I'm too lazy so I'm just gonna post a picture or two of the six days I'm there. Enjoy!


With sis.

View when I stepped out of hotel. Shilin night market area


Beitou hot spring

After soaking in the private hot spring

Us in the private hot spring leisure resort room! 


yum dessert
Jiufen -love this place! the scenery is gorgeous with traditional sense. 

high tea at high altitude with the ever mesmerizing scenery there!



at some cutesy soft toy cafe!

rao he night market


Modern toilet restaurant with my super shag looking face

National Palace Museum

Noms and cute panda cake bought from taipei 101


Fisherman's Wharf. TOO GORGEOUS

Hey mama piggy

one of the most beautiful scenery I ever saw. Only in Taiwan.


AND YES. I'm done with my little post on my 6 days in Taiwan! I ended up uploading more photos than I intended to cos its just too pretty! And its not my photography skills, my awesome skills that's why but its really the things you see at Taiwan is just so special, unique and beautiful. If you enjoyed looking through these photos as much as I do, go ahead to my fb! I uploaded a lot of pictures and spent hours doing it. 

gonna sleep now so that I can make full use of my study break tmr, wish me luck k. good night love love. ending off with a ridiculous photo of me with my taiwan bf. PDA much huh.

Monday blues? How about Monday skittles?

Ok irrelevant topic up there! I'm on the way to sch now for my A level chemistry SPA. And why I decided to update? I was reading my own blog like usual cos I'm bored. It's like when I'm bored, it will be 1)Instagram 2)Facebook 3)wattpad 4)YouTube 5)browse my own blog. If you haven't realise, I'm actually a fan of myself HAHAHAHAH. Disgusting. But I guess self love is good, right?

And my manners.... GOOD MORNING TO.... Me and myself and my blog. Lol. Why am I zi-highing ahem. Anw so ytd was Mother's Day! Nothing extravagant nothing too good, but it's the effort that counts I hope. Bought mama a rose and customised cake from P.Osh. I'm too broke hahaha. 10 years later ok mama, Gucci bag also can. I think .  Hahahaha ok bye bye. Have a great Monday ahead. I love my mum, a lot. :) mushy mushy stuff she know I know hahahaha.

say hi to my pretty mummy!

Sunday 5 May 2013

Happy birthday Crystal!

Happy birthday my darling girl!!! I hope you enjoyed our simple celebration today although it kinda suck without the cake and everyone was late and food for thought was close ):

But!!!! I always feel that I'm really happy with you guys so I hope you did so with our presence today with the usual laughters as well!!!!

You should know how much I love you right! Since primary 4 until now, though we have numerous childish boliao times now and then, but I'm so thankful someone like you can put up with me for so long! From like following ridiculous trends together, e.g staring at other people, ridiculous vulgar, ridiculous fashion , a lot of ridiculous things la! LOL! You are basically my crime partner in doing stupid things and growing up together HAHAHAHAHA

I'm so sorry that i didn't treat you as well last time but rest assure from now onwards, you will forever be my bff cos losing you would be my greatest lost ever! You are like pretty, cute, nice, friendly, understanding, caring, thoughtful, sweet and you really treat people nice! Like you won't have evil thoughts against others, so innocent! I think if I'm a guy, I would totally date you!!! Hahahahahah! Luckily I'm not and you are my bff!!!

No words can describe how lucky I am to know you really!!! And here's a toast to many years to come. Thank you so much for everything!!! I LOVE YOU!!! Time to club, drive, party and do much more !! Enjoy while you can ok. Enjoy your day tmr I love you!!! A lot ;)

Friday 3 May 2013

*inserts sad face*

Dear diary, today I cried in sch. So embarrassing ): if there's one thing I can't stand, it got to be accusation and being misunderstood.

So please don't ever do that to me, I will turn into two streams of non stop river.


Hello earth! Was at my baby cousin Isaac birthday the day before ! ( I swear it was like 'now' become 'ytd' become 'the day before' cos upload keeps failing me). He's one already!!! Labour day baby! Just one and already such a sweet-heart and good looking young boy, gonna grow up to be so drop dead handsome! Happy birthday darling boy!

His birthday chalet's at some SAF changi tree lodge place, so different from normal chalet! The place's really pretty and they hired balloon scuplture, had pop cake and a lot of pretty stuff. So gorgeous! Stayed over and it was a sleeping bag night. So long since I slept in one, reminded me on how cold and hard the floor is. And this is because land cools down quickly due to conduction and convection. I got study my Geog ok!!!

&&& Look! My shirt shouts freedom! Hahaha love this shirt from mango, and the balloons exactly fit the word. I longed for freedom, 6 more months. Ok bye.