Sunday 5 May 2013

Happy birthday Crystal!

Happy birthday my darling girl!!! I hope you enjoyed our simple celebration today although it kinda suck without the cake and everyone was late and food for thought was close ):

But!!!! I always feel that I'm really happy with you guys so I hope you did so with our presence today with the usual laughters as well!!!!

You should know how much I love you right! Since primary 4 until now, though we have numerous childish boliao times now and then, but I'm so thankful someone like you can put up with me for so long! From like following ridiculous trends together, e.g staring at other people, ridiculous vulgar, ridiculous fashion , a lot of ridiculous things la! LOL! You are basically my crime partner in doing stupid things and growing up together HAHAHAHAHA

I'm so sorry that i didn't treat you as well last time but rest assure from now onwards, you will forever be my bff cos losing you would be my greatest lost ever! You are like pretty, cute, nice, friendly, understanding, caring, thoughtful, sweet and you really treat people nice! Like you won't have evil thoughts against others, so innocent! I think if I'm a guy, I would totally date you!!! Hahahahahah! Luckily I'm not and you are my bff!!!

No words can describe how lucky I am to know you really!!! And here's a toast to many years to come. Thank you so much for everything!!! I LOVE YOU!!! Time to club, drive, party and do much more !! Enjoy while you can ok. Enjoy your day tmr I love you!!! A lot ;)

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