Thursday 16 May 2013

5 things about myself

5 THINGS (I think people do not know) ABOUT MYSELF

1) Whenever I get nervous, I get stomachaches. That feeling of nervous-ness can be for the lamest thing, like reaching sch in my dad's car & I haven't tie my hair, or like during important exams. It sucks. So much so that sometimes when i get that stomachache-crampy feeling, I don't even know if I'm subconciously nervous or really having a stomachache.

2) I have never ever love any guy before. Yes, I do have boyfriends before but I just realise recently I have never fallen in love with any guys....... I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Infatuation,puppy love, lust , yes but no, not love.

3) I'm really insecure, and I don't have high self-confidence. I'm pretty sensitive for a start. But i'm improving on all these gradually already.

4) I appreciate guys who are honest in a good way (not the awfully honest kind, like telling you "omg,girl you are one fat ass whale" kind), a lot. That's one of the turn-ons and qualities I look for in guys. E.g if you did something wrong or really bad, be honest with me. Don't let me find out.

5) I dislike it when my schedule doesn't go my way. eg, if I planned to wake up, bathe, go library and study. And someone last minute pull me to go for lunch , I will feel pekcek. I guess I like it when things are under my control.

Just a random post, I'm feeling kinda touchy recently. Exam period you see. Boohoo

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