Wednesday 26 August 2015

Color Run 2015

Hey guys!

How's life going on for you?

Mine's going pretty okay recently! School has officially started for me and so far, I have been trying hard to adapt back to student life. Glad I'm still hanging on just fine.

Oh & last weekend, I had a unicorn puked all over me and coloured me in rainbow colours. Jealous that my weekend went better than yours huh?

Hehe yes, I have been told I'm lame.

As the title suggests, I went to colour run this year! It was my second colour run and this year, I went with my fav boy. (& also with Bernie, Cintia and her friend.)

Colour run was pretty fun! Hi-five-ing random strangers, screaming around, taking photos, throwing powder at each other, being thrown powder at. 

This is probably the only time I will pay $65 for people to throw something at me haha. It's a 5km run but well, everyone's pretty much walking and so did we. Kind of glad I don't have to run because I'm positive I will be the slowest among them. Hashtag unfit lol.

Met the boy for brunch, prepared and headed over to Sentosa!

The run starts at 4pm and while we were waiting for the flag off, we were also being toasted under the sun. Took some photos while waiting!

With my tall bf who's bowing towards the camera because he's overwhelmed by my awesomeness.
And that's my nice way of saying I'm too short and he has to bend down to accommodate my height

Spot my perky, mickey mouse alike ears
hehe don't really like to put my hair up because of that

With Cintia!

I have to admit it was probably a bad idea on my part suggesting that we form the word C O L O R 
look how that turned out HAHA

A for effort?

here's a more normal version of us pre-run (or rather pre-walk lol)

only one eye seen here but showing off my bun
my anaconda don't my anaconda don't, my anaconda don't want none unless you got BUNS HUN

love this photo of us!

hee haa go horsey go horsey hehe
just kidding
my strong man piggy backing me

bu zhi dao wo zai zuo shen me dong dong

hehe credits to Bernie & Cintia

After the first km!
So they will throw powder at you at every 1km, first km was blue!

& here's us after the second km (pink)

fatty version
3rd km - green
yup pretty much my ugliest photo the entire run

and here's us post run
after we completed the run, they gave us a pack of coloured powder each
so we pretty much decorated ourself with the powder given in an attempt to make us more colourful

my man be looking good

bumped into my uni friend too!

clinging on to him like a koala bear clinging onto a tree

kissing my tree

& this two jokers decided to copy my pose


Ending off this post with my fav picture below.
Had fun walking and playing with this bunch. But poor Marcus had sensitive eyes and sensitive lungs so the powder was probably bad for him. The powder got into his eyes and he had to take out his contact lenses in the end cos it was hurting. Poor thing ):

But glad that I went for the run with him because I really did had fun!

Thank you for bringing colours into my life and making my life much more colourful with you around.
Lets go through all the different colours together. :) (whatever that means HAHA)

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