Thursday 13 August 2015

Flower Dome

Hey there! How did your long jubilee weekend went?

For me, well, other than sleeping, lazing and working, I visited Garden's By The Bay with my family and aunts last Friday.

Went there mainly because there was a 50% off tickets as part of national day celebrations and also because my family haven't been there before. We bought tickets for both conservatories, namely flower dome and cloud forest. What a steal with both tickets going at only $10!

Was supposed to go to both flower dome and cloud forest but there was a lot of people there that day! The queue to get in was pretty long for a start and inside the conservatories, it was really crowded. Lucky for us, when we were inside flower dome, they announced that all unused tickets can be utilised until the end of the month due to overcrowding of visitors. So yay, cloud forest it is another day.

Oh before I show you guys pictures of flower dome, found this picture in my camera roll that's pretty relevant to me haha.

Even though most of my baby fats on my cheeks are already gone, this still happens to me. Guess it comes along with having a round face. Yay, not. 

while on the way to aunt's house to fetch her and cousin.
yes I should really cut my fringe soon, it's getting too long for comfort

with my san yi (which I calls ah bee ah yi cos ah bee is what my family calls her & I'm used to calling her this since young even though the correct greetings should be san yi heh) & cousin while q-ing.
blurry picture cos my fisheye lens has quite a lot of scratches

with the pretty siblings - san yi and mummy

what first greets us when we went into flower dome

sis with cute cousin who insisted on bringing along her pet dog.
poor cousin was down with fever the night before but soon recovered and told her mum she wants to come along with us to GBTB. 

Her being sick reminds me so much of myself when I was younger. I witnessed it when we went to pick her up and waited in her house while they get ready. Since she was sick, my aunt, mum and I tried to coax her to eat her medicine. Hearing that she needs to eat medicine, she cried and said no immediately. I even prepared lollipop for her telling her that after she eats the medicine, I will give her the lollipop immediately. 

Hahaha and we told her her mum will take one sip and she takes one sip to coax her that the medicine tastes ok. She ended up making my aunt drink most of the syrup and spitting out all her syrup when its her turn.

Yup, that's how I pretty much was when I was younger. Detesting the notion of having to take medication when I'm sick, vomiting out my medicine and all.

Actually, even up to date, I still detest taking medication, mainly the syrup type. Every time I'm sick, I will tell my doctors I want the pill kind because the syrup type just make me gag and dry vomit most of the time until now heh.

ok enough of my medication problem hehe moving on.

spot the greens at the middle bottom of this pic.
they are some sort of stone-like cactus

if my bf came with me, I'm pretty sure he will make me try to touch the cactus.
speaking from experience of how he made me touched the cactus when we went flower shopping the other day

what a bully

cruising through a sea bed of flowers

thought they really resembles Chinese lantern

pretty daisies

selfies with mum and the pretty daisies

thought these were really cute
pansy I believe

hey pansy, what got your panties in a twist?
(yes that was an attempt at making the sentence rhymes hehe)

big Singapore stamp

And more pictures with the pretty blooms of daisies.


I ought to learn how to smile more naturally

The initial plan was to go to marina barrage for picnic afterwards (seeing that we prepared picnic mats and food) but the visit to flower dome took longer than expected and there was some delay so it was too late for barrage.

Hanged out around GBTB instead to catch a glimpse of the laser light show in the tree groves (is that what these trees are called? ) as mum suggested. The laser light show featured some national day songs along with the changes in light.

After the laser light show, dinner was at Satay by the bays!

local delights are the best

Was so exhausted at the end of the day with all the walking, taking of pictures and eating. Just longed for a cool bottle of beer (which I had) and a good bath by the end of it. 

Probably visiting cloud forest since we have the tickets which are not yet utilised and have a picnic at barrage soon! So....... See you in the next post! Have a great weekend guys, x.

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