Sunday 2 August 2015

Fireworks - Boom Boom Boom

Accompanied the boy to career fair at MBS yesterday after work. After we exited the exhibition, we heard what seemingly sounded like planes and firing of canon.

Figuring it was probably from NDP preview, we headed out to try to catch a glimpse of what's going on like the true blood Singaporean (Read: Kaypoh) we are!

Turns out there was a screen showcasing the NDP preview just outside MBS and we joined the crowd! Everyone just stood up watching the show even though there were no seats.

What probably was the highlight was hearing Stephanie Sun and JJ Lin sing which was followed by fireworks after their individual songs & of course the ending fireworks that were longer than usual in commemoration of our nation's jubilee year.

Spot the heart shape!

Doesn't this slightly resemble photos of galaxy? No?

We stayed till the end and after standing for 1.5 hours (in wedges for me), man were our legs aching. My legs were giving way nearing the end of the night and hurting so badly from all the standing and walking. Remind me to never wear wedges / heels in such occasions. But we weren't really expecting to watch and less say stand to watch the NDP, hence.

It was a good experience nonetheless, standing amidst fellow Singaporeans, occasionally belting out our favourite national day songs!

And I really wanted to go the NDP this year! Have always loved going for national day parades but unfortunately, my family and I didn't manage to get the tickets. I even ask Marcus, who have never ballot for the tickets to try balloting for them! But oh well, at least I caught a glimpse of what it's like and saw the pretty fireworks live! Better than nothing!

Thereafter, took a short walk and took some photos as well!


Wa simi I also don't know hahahaha. 
I tried coming up with a caption but this boy has more creativity in his pose than my captions

is that a unibrow I spot?!
hahahaha my hair makes it look like a unibrow now that I'm reviewing the photos

bzzzzzzzzzzz I'm reading your mind
I'm a psychic bzzzzzz

with my prince charming in white
white horse prince (chinese direct translate FTW)

Went for late night dinner / supper after that at Kovan!

Irritating boy keep mind f-ing me on why ladyfinger is so gluey. Said that they were mucus and later said it was because the lady finger was having running nose. I have to give him credits for his fertile imagination hahahaha. Keep showing me how gluey it was also?! I nearly spit my food out visualising the gross theories while eating la haha. 

It was really a great night out with him though (as usual). Had fun catching a glimpse of the show and of course, the company that made everything better :)

Till the next post, have a great week ahead y'all!

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