Saturday 8 August 2015

SAM with mummy

So recently I had this short break before school officially starts. Was browsing the net and reading up on some school stuff when I was struck with this feeling of wanting to explore Singapore. Felt like exploring the tourist places or simply wander around in Singapore (very random I know).

So I googled for places to visit and voila, it occurred to me to visit Singapore Arts Museum.

Since I haven't been there before, I decided to ask my mum along to accompany me and off we went the next day!

Before that, took some selfies while waiting for mum.

Here you go. Er sorry ah I very buay paiseh with the number of selfies below,  but seldom I do selfies so endure la ok. Please skip through it if it annoys you, you meanie butt. oops.

act cute

act stupid

act happy

act sexy

act flower

act toothache

I also don't know act simi
why am I so mean to myself lol

light leak heh

yay ok no more selfies 
moving on to SAM!

It's worth a visit if you haven't been there before!
There were a few on-going exhibitions which I thought some were quite interesting

Exhibition #1 - After Utopia:

thought this exhibit was quite interesting
it depicts how people are meditating but are in fact distracted by materialistic wants and other external factors through these 366 figurines.
Or at least that's how I understand it

Was interesting trying to decipher which materialistic want / external factor applicable in our daily life each figurine is trying to express 

this seems to be an easy one I hope
"see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil'

hopefully we are right

and how true this artwork is. how often is it that one can really meditate, clearing out every single thoughts without any wants, worry, thoughts etc?

Exhibition #2: Once upon this island:

I was better able to relate to this exhibition than the previous one as it sets somewhere closer to home, in the context of Singapore

Exhibition #3: Dreamcatchers 

& this and the following are from this exhibition called "dream catchers" revolving and highlighting lives of certain individuals with chronic diseases.

Thought this was a exhibition quite well done. In the sense that the emotions and underlying messages actually reach out to me, someone that doesn't quite know art at all.

It was something where some exhibits spoke to me and I had goosebumps looking at them.

this was more of an interactive one where we could pen down our own "will I?" 

written from the general public as encouragements to those with chronic diseases.
Had goosebumps reading these

screenshot from mummy's snapchat
yes, my mum is cool, she has snapchat hahaha

probably for stalking purposes ahem.
just kidding, love you mum, stalk me all you want

my pretty mummy


Also went to take some photo booth photos with mummy! Had always wanted to take this kind of photos like how they do in movies and yay, one thing strike off my list.

It was $2 for two strips (coloured plus B&W) if you are interested to know
Quite jin zhang when taking the photos cos there were like a short 4 or 5 seconds interval between each shots and we were like "what pose should we do?!" "HAHA" "OMG" "faster faster"

was fun though!

1st try

2nd try
Top one looks so constipated walao  

no wonder people say my mum looks like my sister, she looks so young in these?!

Usually when people / strangers comment that, I either laugh it off or I will ask them "so are you trying to say she looks young or I look old?" Sometimes I'm really not too sure whether I look old or what man hahahaha

then headed to CHIJMES for dinner!
Was so hungry cos I only ate a bun till about evening time as I wasn't hungry before that.

Walked around deciding which restaurant to eat at and settled for a Jap restaurant which I can't remember the stall name. Obviously it didn't make quite an impression.

Broiled Salmon Sashimi!
They served it raw and torched it at our table.
This was actually quite nice!

and this guys, was the worst fried rice I have ever had.
It was so wet and clumped together. Fried rice are suppose to be cooked in a way where each rice grains are apart from each other if you know what I mean.

Or rather that's how I prefer and how good restaurants usually serve them?
Both mum and I agree that this was really bad.

Was wondering if this is fried rice Japanese style that's why it's so clumped together?

There was this family next table which was also complaining about their food and even complained to the chef director who argued back on the food quality. Sorry I very kaypoh hehe

But I was hungry plus mummy always say cannot waste food so I tried my best to finish it.

Ordered spicy ramen too but no pics heh.

After that, had desert at Blackball!

Then went shopping around at Bugis plus and Bugis street before heading home.

It was really a great day out with mummy, chatting and spending quality time together. As I have mentioned before in a post some time back, my mum is like one of my few best friends and someone I can tell almost everything to (except mummy-restricted stuff). She's also someone I can act completely myself and silly around.

So thankful for such a mum, x. hehe

& So glad for these well needed 4 days break. Till the next post, have a great jubilee weekend you guys!

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