Thursday 6 December 2012

Because I don't know what to name you

Hey! How had your day went? Great? I'm back to update! This is just going to be a random rant anw. haha

So I went down to get dinner for my mum and I at around 9pm. I only planned to get duck rice and rojak so I brought down only $10 thinking that it's more than enough, maybe even enough for me to get durian back to satisfy my random cravings. BUT the duck rice and rojak stalll was all closed and I didn't know what else to get so I went to McDonald's to get my dinner.

Me: Hi! Er can I have one Mcwings meal upsize and the drink change to Ice lemon tea?

Counter girl: Yup sure, having here or take away?

Me: Take away please. Erm how much is it already? Oh ya, $6.55... then can I have one Filet O' Fish ala carte as well? Thanks

Girl : Sure. That will be $10.60

Me: Oh hahahaha but I only brought $10 down........ Er erm I think I will cancel the upsize then

Girl : Yup okay. The total will be $10.10 then

(WTH RIGHT. 10 CENTS BEING SO IMPORTANT NOW. should I beg her to give me discount? LOL)

Me: Oh okay.... I still don't have enough... hahaha. then I think I will cancel the ice lemon tea then..

Yup, that was what happened just now! I was pretty embarrassed la, I just wanted to dig a hole and hide! The uncle beside me was still staring at me and the cashier girl chuckled a bit! Grrrrr. She must be thinking "walao no money still act one upsize and ice lemon tea, waste my time"

So I seek refuge in my phone to try to hide my embarrassment. AND. I heard the uncle asked again after he ordered finish "eh how much is the apple pie ah? Oh $1 ah, then I will have two" , then he looked at my side awhile. UNCLE YOU RUBBING SALT INTO MY WOUND HUH???

HAHAHAHA LOL OK MAYBE I EXAGGERATED THIS WHOLE SITUTATION & BOTH OF THEM DIDN'T HAVE SUCH INTENTIONS AT ALL BUT..... nonetheless I was still paiseh. luckily there wasn't any queues behind me or a lot of people buying food at that time.... phew.

ANYWAY you guys should watch this!! The first few times I watched, I couldn't stop laughing! Video's quality a bit blur though heh. Imagine you were the one in the toilet doing your business and exposed oh my god. hahahahaha.

And this! Shigga shay's "Rock my world" ! Can't stop listening to it. Baby, you rock my world. Baby baby, you rock my world ~  LOVES LOVES.



ignore my face that looks old here! get the message through ok. love you guys!! ;) bye!

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