Tuesday 11 December 2012

Someone has to say it

(Post from Chris's list of "things to blog about" - Someone has to say it)

Someone has to say it..... someone has to say something about it.... okay let me think.... er..... someone.... me .... yes me! I have something to say!! That is........PEOPLE SHOULDN'T EAT PORK

People who know me should know that I'm not a fan of pork and I won't be the one who orders it if its on the dining table. (exception of Char Siew Rice) I mean I do eat pork but very little. Reasons why me and YOU shouldn't eat pork..... (Yes im on an attempt to persuade you not to eat pork.)



They should be kept at pets, not food. They are also my favourite animals since young, mainly because I was born in the year of pig! For me, this "no pork" thing came around when I was in primary school. It started because being young me thinks that they are my friends since I'm born in the year of pig. Yes I know pigs are not the only cute animals that we eat, there's cow and chicken also........ but the second reason.

Secondly : Pork just have some porky taste that I don't like...........

Thirdly: I don't know what happened to me these few years. But whenever I eat meat, I think of how they look like before they are slaughtered and feel.......... disgusted. And some meat just have this bloody taste or meaty taste that I call . I mean I still eat meat la, but not a meat lover, hence explains my lack of protein.

Okay I think this post just makes me not want to eat pork even more. It's your choice whether you eat or not but I really think they are cute...... Yup! Maybe I'm just more biased towards "no pork" rather than the animals but I really like pigs. Ok. Bye, ♥

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