Tuesday 18 December 2012

"I will come back"

HEY THERE!! How has your weekend and monday went? Great? I have been working at popular bookfest from fri-sun! Lucky everything went pretty smoothly and my colleagues are all so friendly and nice. hehe.

This is the second time I'm working, previous time was at Marks and spencers. (Oh there was a even previous one before M&S which I worked for 1 hour haha xiasuay). A pretty different experience this time round because I have to promote. And this time round I stand until my legs and sole super pain! Work's from 10-10 with only half an hour for lunch and dinner. Its under this company called Omni. Not the Omni stationery I thought, haha. I walked one whole round on the first day looking for the Omni stationery to only realise its not. Let me show you what we sell. hahaha

Puzzle toy and an electronic tablet kind of thing! Pretty unique actually.

Drawn by some kid! So cute haha

See! This two are the electronic board that I'm in charge of promoting. haha want to know more about what this is? Let me promote this like how I have repeated over hundreds of times and even dreamt of it. Ahem. "Hi this is an electronic tablet! You can just draw or write anything you want and then erase it with one button like this! It runs by battery, normal watch round battery. It's shatter proof and comes with one year warranty. You can like write your memos and your child can use it to draw and do his maths problems, spelling all these" blah blah blah blah blah blah. hahaha. 

I think it's pretty cool but nowadays people have iPads and all, they dont really find a need for it. Plus its pretty pricey despite a $30 discount. Pink one's at $49.90 and the bottom one's for $62.90! there are still people who are fascinated by my promoting ahem ahem, k la the product and buy it though. hahaha. I would buy it if its cheaper. So useful!

I didn't manage to sell a lot actually, maybe 20+/30. Quite guilty because they brought in a lot thinking that it will sell well. Scarly they think it's my fault that people don't buy..... ): But I really did my best! 

Yup and also this! This one is promoted by my colleague, Zi Hui. Its something like rubik's cube. Can twist and turn to form different shapes! I wanted to buy one for myself also. hahaha but I think I play few days then throw aside already, so I didn't. oh well.

These 3 days of working I really don't know how many times I heard " Ok I will come back". Walao Y U BLUFF ME! Rise my hopes and then bluff me and don't come back. But well. it really is a good excuse. I used it on others a few times before.............. hahahaha but still.....

And below are just pictures I took in the course of these 3 days!

Vegetarian Lagsana. It's very soggy actually! But the sauce is nice! Not very cheap actually. This one's like $9. Thankful that there's alternatives at the expo with subway and food court.

And this is my colleague, Zi Hui! I think she looks very cute haha. And she's friendly also. Glad that my colleague's not some grumpy aunty/step step teenager or something. haha

Last day of work.

And this little boy, George, is my fav kid that I met on the fair!! He's super duper cute la! He keep bombing me with questions haha. Pulled my hand and walk around to show me the toys. Like totally AWWWWW right. ahha but he called me aunty ): I didn't know I was so old. But in the end after I said "huh why you call me aunty, I not so old leh.. Call me jie jie" , he called me jie jie. HEHEHEHE. like forcing some kid to call me jie jie ah.... But I really not old ma! haiyo!

Last day of work, Justin came to visit me! Bought me KOI and an early xmas present. Who else can be as nice & sweet as this dear boy here! Truly blessed. Sent me home as well! Made my one long hour ride back home so much more bearable. phew.

No, I'm not vain. I'm just camwhoring a lot with my presents to embrace this precious gift and to show my appreciation. HAHAHAHHA. ok who am I kidding. This is just one small part of the reason why I camwhored so much....... ahem. Which girl don't camwhore! You tell me!

Opened the present and found this! Just got to love my present man! A tribal phone case to replace my miserable old one and the self made bracelet!!! SO MUCH LOVE OMG.

Alright. Bye to you reading this! Good night and have a great day ahead. x ;)

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