Sunday 9 December 2012

Should my town use social network

Should Singaporeans use these?
Singapore is a modern society and most of the people especially young teenagers use social media today. Regarding the topic above, I have my yes and no on this.

Social media is a powerful tool, be it for propaganda usages, to create influences etc, it is powerful. It's almost amazing how fast certain messages can spread with the tool of social media! Since its so powerful, yea, my town should use it, for all the good use it can be put to.

For example, government can use social media to spread important messages like annual health check ups, flash flood alerts , train break downs etc etc. It can also be used to spread certain awareness issues or educate Singaporeans such as messages on AIDS , safe sex .

Singaporeans should use it as well . They can use it to keep in touch with their friends, have a good chat and simply find out what is going on in each others life. In fact, I support the view that elderly who are often more lonely in their old years should participate actively in social media . This can certainly brightened up their days. If one day I'm all old and I cant go out to even take a walk in a park...... blogging, tweeting about my favourite drama. sharing my favourite oldies on facebook with my facebook friends , webcamming with my grandchildrens sounds pretty nice!

Singaporeans are also called unfriendly or said as people with no feelings in a recent news articles. (which I don't really understand why) Well. Why not use social media as a tool to solve this then? Neighbors can use social platforms like Facebook Instagram to share nice incidents or pictures with one another, give tips on say, how to manage plants well. And community centres can be the one who sets up the facebook group/page to enable these communications. With such,even a simple "like" on one's statuses can be a sign that neighbors care about what's happening in your life! Colleagues can also use these platforms to build their team cooperation etc.

Also, advertising purposes on retailing, tourism are of no harm and in fact might be a boost to Singapore's economy!

However, in some instances where social media are affecting people in a negative way and used by innocent or ignorant victims, it should be a straight NO.The wide availability of Internet connections and usage at homes, shopping centers with the complements of phones, computers today enable users as young 5 year olds to be able to use social media. And some of these sights annoys me. Maybe I'm just some grumpy old woman who finds problems in things but tell me if the following annoys you as well

I'm sure teenagers should be familiar to this group called "add as many people as you know into this group " group on Facebook. I clicked on this group and almost all the statuses and photos says "rate me" or "like my photo" with how many likes equals to how good looking you are or "the last comment gets my numbers" or the worse.... "Pm me if you want to be my stead, don't need to meet up" What I have to say is .... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU YOUNG KIDS DOING?!?!?!?!? Man ! 

First, you enable yourself to be a victim of negative comments. You then get hurt, get your confidence level and self esteem affected. WHAT FOR?!?!? I mean I understand most teenagers are probably at a age when they ask themselves "am I really good looking ? " etc etc. but come on, you deserve more than letting your self confidence affect you and put under the mercy of others who may tease you. 

Second, self-love. what do you mean by getting a bf/gf through such platforms where you don't know each other?? Trust me, I've been through that age and one day , you will be ashamed you even did such things without really understanding what is LOVE. not lust, not good impression, not desperate, not someone to compensate your loneliness, not someone to talk to, not just some dick tom harry( sorry to people named dick tom harry) to even call darling, yes, LOVE. 

Lastly, gosh those who are up there are young, some are even in primary school, they deserve their innocence. Boy I don't even know what sex really is when im in p6, I only know about my favourite doraemon at that time. Young kids shouldn't be exposed to such things beyond their age. True they should be exposed so they will have greater exposure of the world. True its experience which then make them realise what's right and what's wrong. But this can be found out bit by bit, not at a age of 12! Say 5 years 10 years down the age, you will naturally earn the lessons you require one day.

& So that day when I was scrolling through facebook, I saw this p6 girl's profile. She happened to be someone I know. Her statuses and blog that I later read , I only have the below reaction.......


I'm sorry Yao ming. but yea seriously??? What I saw was things like "fuck my father. holiday yet fucking don't let me use the fucking computer" or "I miss my boyfriend. I dont know whether I should be together with him still" .WHAT YOU ARE 12 AND YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND WHICH YOU ARE NOW BOTHERED BY???? COME ON! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT'S LOVE??? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT'S THAT THAT YOU WANT???? Ok I admit my first official relationship was 14, thats not too old but at least I was in secondary sch, not taking some PSLE. why are kids nowadays getting matured at younger age? That's almost atrocious. Maybe she's more matured at a younger age, maybe she knows what she's doing, but all I have to say is you will regret some other day later, definitely. 

Next, what if the users of social network are ignorant young people? Who knows one day when you share something as stupid as " Did you know toothpaste is made by elephant's tooth and grinded into powder added as ingredient? " and people believe it and share to even more people just because they think that its interesting enough?? You never know when come to such things, even more absurb news can be spread and people might believe it. If these absurb news or information are a deliberate attempt to disrupt Singapore's peace and harmony between races and religions, what would Singapore become? More vulnerable that is.

So in conclusion to all the babbles I mentioned above, I think social media can be a yes when use appropriately in the right hands.But no if under the wrong hands where improper judgement on information are handled. What's your take on this? ;)

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