Friday 14 December 2012

Fright-day soon at 12.42 am

Hi my dear earthlings! Rmb how I was pretty sian ytd about today's horseshoe crab programme?? IT WAS CANCELLED HAHAHA. I mean I wasn't like super happy about it because I was alr on the way then they cancel cos of the rain and lightning but still , I need time to be mentally prepared for it ahahahaha. 

One more good news to share...... I FINALLY GOT A JOB. LIKE FREAKING YAAAAAAAAAY. hahhaah ok maybe I exaggerated my happiness but I mean like finally la. I really sent in like quite a number of resumes awhile back. maybe 6/7 around there? and no one replied so I gave up the idea of finding a job. but who knows! Today some Omni Stationery contacted me and ask me down for work tmr! So I will be working at Singapore Expo, most probably at bookfest this fri to sun!! I hope everything will go smoothly for  me this three days and I don't screw up! Please. Omg I'm having butterflies in my stomach now even thinking of it. urgh. deep breathes deep breathes.

Now, for some random photo updates....... Excited for it??? *DRUMROLLS*  haha ok why I so lame.

This chocolate is damn nice! White chocolate with a real dried strawberry inside! Noms. I never liked strawberry chocolate because I thought it tastes artificial. but this is different, with a real strawberry in it. Thanks to ah ma friend for buying it from Japan and giving it to ahma which she then gave it to us!! hehehe

And also, below are some photos I found from my old mini xperia phone memory card! I categorise the below into "I look cuter last time leh" and "I can't stand my long fringe"

Let me show you the category, "I look cuter last time leh"

Do I look better last time or now? hahaha this question like a bit buay paiseh ah haha.

And now, the "I can't stand my long fringe" . Really like cannot see eyes lor hahaha. But last time I think nice so............ I don't know what's in my brain last time also. It's that kind of hairstyle that if I see other have, I feel like walking up to the person and chop off his/her fringe kind of hairstyle LOL. 

Bye, x.

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