Tuesday 29 January 2013


Hi there. I like blogging because I can post photos of myself without caring about how many likes I can get and how many judgements people pass. (Y) I know I said to blog during the weekends but I had work almost the whole day. Sorry blog ): soon ok. Love you blog. You shall now hang in there with owner's photos.

Rocking with Jafri's Ralph Lauren pullover he borrowed me due to the very cold LT1 we had a few lectures in today. Currently studying in "study". Wish me luck in focusing and learning ok? Whoever reading this, I wish you a good evening ahead! Hugs to you if you are feeling that Tuesday is torturing you already :) x.

Friday 25 January 2013

3rd week of sch

Omg I'm neglecting this little space of mine! So busy with sch nowadays that I don't have time to talk to myself here ):

I promise I will update you during the weekends k. Unless I forgot about it hehe. There's like so many overdue posts I wanted to post about!

-Taiwan trip
-Hongkong, Macau trip
-Band concert : Passage of life
-And random whatnots

Ok before I go back to doing my GP hw, quick shoutout to my dear birthday boy, Justin! HAPPY BIRTHDAY. xx. Officially 18!!! Yay.

I'm so tired now urgh. Sleep some more and drama some more la!!! Hai. Good night and HAVE A WONDERFUL FRIDAY OKKKKKKKK.

Shall end off with a cute photo of the handsome birthday boy! X. Till then, ;)

Friday 18 January 2013

Perfect fit

Who is the right one? Who's the genuine one? Who can love you even with your flaws? Who will grow old with you? Who will be there for you? Who will catch you when you fall? Who will be the perfect jigsaw fit to your puzzle And who, is the one, that will love you?

True love do exists

Thursday 17 January 2013

Beautiful gestures in life

Hello there. I'm now late and walking to
Sch! Just wanted to share something really nice that ought to be mentioned! But it's so difficult to type when I'm walking so I'm gonna update when I'm having break later! Till then, ;)

Ok I'm back. Anw so as I was saying. I was late and was boarding a bus to sch, I saw something really nice. This auntie was boarding the bus, trying to pull up her grocery trolley, with some difficulty of course. I didn't even realise she had or would have any difficulty and didn't went forward to help even though she was just beside me. *guilty* maybe I should have kept my eyes more open to my surroundings..

And just as I was boarding, I saw this Malay primary sch/secondary sch boy actually helping her pull up the trolley without her even asking. At that moment, I actually smiled unknowingly at his gesture. It really heartens me to know that there are actually such nice and helpful people around in sg. Good job to that Malay boy!!! So proud of you young man!!

Alright having chem now, just wanted to praise him for such a nice little action. Beautiful. :) have a great day ahead! ;)

Saturday 12 January 2013

First Week of School

Hi there! It's friday, which means week one is almost over. An update now on what I have went through this week! I will say..... week one for a start was pretty stress, be it for academic or personal reasons. Hmm.

Monday (7/1/13)

First day of school was rather ok. Had new classmates joined our class and I was pretty excited in going back school to catch up with my friends! Was greeted by these in the morning. How sweet....... :')

The one on the left was souvenirs from Cintia! So many things inside!! There's food, customised key chain, hair pin, socks,dustcap and handwritten note. Yay! And the one on the right's from Jafri, cute cute elmo socks. hehe. Thanks dears! x

Sticker in the goodie bag Cintia gave! Some of is really cute or cool. hahaha eg. You jump I jump or the dream catcher!

And yea, I already had tutorial and lessons on the first day of school. haha no time for intro or whatever, or actually no much use for it la. Most of the teachers pretty much just go through some of their class expectations and start with lesson proper already.

Stayed back after school with Kaiwen, Jafri and Hanshen to "study". Well, we were suppose to. But ended up catching up and updating each other on things that happened during the holiday haha. I like catching up! its like a nice feeling to be able to keep in contact and be updated on your friend's life. If everyday we can just go sch and chat............ Ok snap back to reality Crystal.

Oh and also I got to meet my new CT, Mrs Haugen. She teaches me Gp also. Well, I quite like her. She really gets me thinking about certain issue and she has the wisdom. She loves animal also, even going to the extent of saving snails she sees lying around. How nice. Subject teacher wise, only some are the same. Or rather only one teacher remained unchanged. Mostly changed teachers!

Reminder to self : Remember to write 2013 and 2SR27 hahhaha. I keep writing 2012 or my old class number......


Lessons lessons and more lessons. And APG check. sighpie.


I like Wednesday!! We had outdoor PE at pasir ris park and it was pretty fun! The main purpose was to bond with our new classmates and I think our class still has the class spirit there which is good!

We played like bonding games with 4 stations and my favourite one is the kayaking one! 8 volunteers was needed and I volunteered to play cos I thought it would be really fun and since I didnt took part in the 1st station hee. We had to kayak using our hands to some buoy to grab a mini plastic seal with alphabets inside which another group of our classmate used it to form a word! Paired with Hanshen and I'm so glad it didn't capsized because I can't swim. hehehe. So so so so fun! I keep screaming heh.

Then after all the stations, we went into the sea to play and splash each other. but one thing I have to say, the sea water was one hell of a dirty! Like there was litter, plastic bags and rubbish and the colour is really ew......... One of my classmate even stepped on wire. hai.

But I still had fun! Here are some photos taken by the sea. :)

L O V E  #oldschoolbutcute

♥. With some of the class boys.
(From left to right) Girls : Maria, Kaiwen, Me, Cintia
Guys: Han Shen, Augustine, Daniel, Ke Qin, Taishuen 

Bathed and rinsed with water after that and made our way to Ehub for lunch! Everyone was so tired haha. Was suppose to go Ikea actually (I have been craving for it for a few months) but some of them find it hard to go home from there. Oh well..... ): Ate at BBQ chicken!

Then, some of us went to yoguru to talk talk. Talked pretty long actually..... hahaha. like few hours, kinda h2h. glad to know some of my classmates better, cleared up ill feelings and have a better perspective of them.

So addicted to yoghurt recently I dont know why! Tastes so gooooooooood. Noms!


And..... its back to boring school again.


NO STAR LECTURES YET YAY. hence, ended school at 12.30pm and since there was open house, everyone ended early! Stayed back in school for lunch and to study(which I only managed to write the titles, ahem). Went to ah ma house after which I got to see my beloved ah ma and cousins after so long! I really missed them. but I ended up sleeping hahaha. Had dinner there as well. And my cousins was looking through old photos when we found this old picture of me and my cousin, Yan Ru! How cute right hahahaha. young us in our pajamas! But I think I actually look the same...... hmmmmmmm. My cousin looks so cute and pretty!

Went to Nex afterwards to pei mummy eat dinner. She had dinner at LENAS. and I ordered this!

Iced milk tea with cookies and cream ice cream on the top! NOMS. but the ice cream so little!

And we went to soghurt after that! So much yoghurt this week but I love it!!

And yup, this pretty much sum up the 5 weekdays of my first week of school. Really feel a need to catch up. hai....... There's cca in the morning tmr and the horseshoe crab thing tmr. urgh. I hope I can really tahan about the muddy horseshoe crab thing tmr, time to break my barriers and "just do it". Hope that really helps in saving the habitat. 

Alright, good night to you. x. sweet dreams :')

Sunday 6 January 2013

Sch tmr


Sch's starting tmr! And I'm really damn sian now!! Homework's not done yet and omg I really can't imagine how I'm gonna cope being a JC2 now.... Plus I have to go to sch myself from tmr onwards which sucks big time. It's +/- 1 hours to get to sch. Which really sucks big big time now. Urgh.

I don't know why I'm so grumpy now but I'm so tired I don't know why. I woke up at 3 plus. You think I will be all refreshed and awake right? NO! I'm as tired as f. Maybe that time of the month is coming soon..

And I'm so annoyed with people around me. It's all drama and act nobody's gonna be honest with one another. I really hate it this way. It's so tiring to live through day by day with lies from you.

Hai. On a positive note, at least in sch tmr, I won't be that slackish and nua-ish, at least doing something. I really hope I can manage in sch and finish all my homework as soon as sch starts. You can do it, crystal, you can.

Alright bye. Wish me luck for sch!


Delayed post due to publishing errors! Below are from Thursday ;)

-Wake up early today -> Failed
- Do homework -> Failed
- Go out and study -> Failed

Ok so, shit. Today was unproductive. Ended up waking up at near 4........... Hai! Come on!! Crystal!! Wake up early tmr ok!! You got a hell lot of homework waiting for you.

So anw, went to meet my bro today at nex!! So long since I met him! Hehe. Went to eat at Hot tomato, ordered my standard steak and prawn! Then went for soghurt with him after that. Noms noms. So at least it was .....

- Meet bro. -> Done
-Pass him xmas present -> Done
-Catch up. -> Done

At least my evening didn't went that bad!!

So after we walked around and all, I was otw back home waiting for the train when this uncle around 60 years old(?) approached me! He asked me how to write some Chinese word , which apparently I didn't know how.... But anyway! So we went in the train, and we started talking! He told me he had some phD in psychology and started analyzing me on the spot..... Like OMG right... Hahaha! He said like, I'm open but yet I know how to protect myself and I only talked to him because he's an old uncle and I know he got no harm to me! If he's like some haggard looking, messy looking middle aged man , I wouldn't even bother talking to him. If he's some normal guy holding a phone, then I will still find it Okok! HAHAHAHAH WHICH IS SO TRUE LA!!

And he also say like I'm the conservative type due to my elders' influence (which should be my ah ma la) cos I carried leather. I'm the fun oriented type and I study not because I'm forced by my parents to but cos of my principles. WHICH IS SO TRUE AGAIN. And that I dare to explore new things because I was wearing a green top and blue nails...... Like wow right!!! I don't even know how he can read so much about me just by sitting next to me and talking to me!

Then we started to chat more la. Like he told me about his O levels back then, studies, his teaching in Oxford, speed reading all these........ Ended up walking me to wait for train and I missed a few train talking to him also.

Oh and he guessed I was 12 years old at first....... Hahaha so exaggerating. But he thinks so cos of the way I speak and behave and yes, my chubby face... Haha he say like I cute cute pattern also LOL.

I don't know why I even talk so much with him.... I just felt like its polite to. But ask me if I was scared? I was a little actually! Like doubtful about him and all la... But overall , it was quite an interesting encounter I will say! Like pretty cool about reading my characteristics....... Hahaha ok la bye!! And pictures on dinner & soghurt below! Bobian using phone to upload now so it can't be on top. Bear with it! Bye good night!

Thursday 3 January 2013

First day of 2013

Went out with the babes and clique on first day of New year! That's how the start of new year should be man. Fav earthlings + Catch-ups = Happy!

Met around evening at centrepoint for Astons buffet! It's not really a buffet-buffet. Its like main dish(can be steak, chicken, fish and chips ,whatever is on the menu) 

Mine's grilled chicken

plus free flow of side dishes (macaroni,fried potato,brocoli, potato wedges, soup etc) , free flow salad, 

free flow drinks and free flow desserts (ice cream and fruits). 

The price is rather okay for a buffet I guess, cheapest is $21.90 with the main course of grilled chicken which is what most of us ordered..... hahahhaha #singaporeans #cheapskate Yup and so the price you pay for this buffet is the cost of your main dish, of course, if you order like steak then you have to pay more I think $31.90! The good thing is GST and service charges and whatnots are already included in that price!

After dinner, walked around and then later settled down at coffee bean to catch up and chit-chat! Below are photos taken with my pretty girls! Love 'em!

I think when I take picture with them, I must stand in the middle cos I'm the shortest............. hai.

Outside Astons! Me and Crystal coincidentally wearing denims and boots!

OOTD,OOTN shot taken with the babes.

And, yes, this is how I ended my day! Great day out with 'em! And now, I'm still struggling to do my homework. hai. can't holiday be forever and ever? Just let me find some rich guy and be a shao nai nai suan le.............. HAHA OK IM JUST JOKING. Education is what empower girls with power and not dependant on their spouse!! ok bye. night night!

Tuesday 1 January 2013


It's 2013 now....... HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU OUT THERE!! Here wishing you a great great great year ahead of you! Hope you will be blessed with good health, luck, good relationships with family & friends, soar in studies, work etc etc! Huat ah!! We survive 2012!!

And yes, I'm back from my 14 days trip!! Thank god that I'm well and safe & had fun, will split my trip insides into a few posts! Hope you do look forward to reading it! hehehe. For now, its 2013! What's a new year without new year resolutions?? Come come! Let's share our new year resolutions! I know most of people's resolution only last for few weeks or 1,2 months. Well, that was the case for me last year. I think I came up with a long list last year which I can't even remember, let alone fulfill it hahahaha. So this year, I shall keep it sweet and short, how about a list of hmmm.... 5!

#1 Be less judgemental

I think I'm actually quite a judgemental person. I judge strangers or people even before knowing them, for their actions and appearance and stuff. I even judge my closed ones or friends sometimes. And I guess it's really pretty bad. Since I pretty much wouldn't like to be judged by others when they don't really know me well or understand me. So for this year, I shall be less judgemental and be more open-minded towards other's way of living!

#2 Finish all my homework

Well. In 2012, I actually didn't finish all my homework and its really bad since tutorials are the one that consolidate the learning. So for the sake of a good A level results, its time to finish all my homework. Speaking about which, I have tons of holiday homework left untouched. Shit.

#3 Put in at least 80% of my best in school

I gave up a lot in school last year. Be it tests or exams, I gave up hope in myself and studies, with less than half of my efforts! So this year, I don't aim for 100% (that's too much to ask for) but yup, hopefully at least 75%/80%! GO CRYSTAL WOOOOOO. No more excuses for myself this year!

******** #4 STOP BEING SO LAZY ***********

Hate to admit but I'm actually very lazy, yup very. Like sometimes I will just throw my things around, be lazy to bathe(ok dont judge me yet hahahahaha), or laze around a lot a lot. So this year, I think I need to get myself back,be more energetic and go the extra miles on doing things right, instead of going for the short route and being so lazy..............

#5  Lose weight

Target weight - 41kg. Target waist size- 25. Which means, eat more regularly and healthily!!

Ok, that's about all I have in mind currently. I think I should take note of it or paste these resolutions somewhere to remind myself constantly and hopefully be proud of telling people I complete all these!!

And one more thing to note is to not let my phone go flat during 2014 countdown next year. Yes, my phone flat near 12 plus am just now. gr. hahahaha.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your countdown! I spent my last few hours of 2012 sleeping actually. was tired from trip hahahahah.went out to chinatown at night to eat with my relatives to 2013. speaking about losing weight man. ok bye! Happy new year! Loves