Sunday 6 January 2013


Delayed post due to publishing errors! Below are from Thursday ;)

-Wake up early today -> Failed
- Do homework -> Failed
- Go out and study -> Failed

Ok so, shit. Today was unproductive. Ended up waking up at near 4........... Hai! Come on!! Crystal!! Wake up early tmr ok!! You got a hell lot of homework waiting for you.

So anw, went to meet my bro today at nex!! So long since I met him! Hehe. Went to eat at Hot tomato, ordered my standard steak and prawn! Then went for soghurt with him after that. Noms noms. So at least it was .....

- Meet bro. -> Done
-Pass him xmas present -> Done
-Catch up. -> Done

At least my evening didn't went that bad!!

So after we walked around and all, I was otw back home waiting for the train when this uncle around 60 years old(?) approached me! He asked me how to write some Chinese word , which apparently I didn't know how.... But anyway! So we went in the train, and we started talking! He told me he had some phD in psychology and started analyzing me on the spot..... Like OMG right... Hahaha! He said like, I'm open but yet I know how to protect myself and I only talked to him because he's an old uncle and I know he got no harm to me! If he's like some haggard looking, messy looking middle aged man , I wouldn't even bother talking to him. If he's some normal guy holding a phone, then I will still find it Okok! HAHAHAHAH WHICH IS SO TRUE LA!!

And he also say like I'm the conservative type due to my elders' influence (which should be my ah ma la) cos I carried leather. I'm the fun oriented type and I study not because I'm forced by my parents to but cos of my principles. WHICH IS SO TRUE AGAIN. And that I dare to explore new things because I was wearing a green top and blue nails...... Like wow right!!! I don't even know how he can read so much about me just by sitting next to me and talking to me!

Then we started to chat more la. Like he told me about his O levels back then, studies, his teaching in Oxford, speed reading all these........ Ended up walking me to wait for train and I missed a few train talking to him also.

Oh and he guessed I was 12 years old at first....... Hahaha so exaggerating. But he thinks so cos of the way I speak and behave and yes, my chubby face... Haha he say like I cute cute pattern also LOL.

I don't know why I even talk so much with him.... I just felt like its polite to. But ask me if I was scared? I was a little actually! Like doubtful about him and all la... But overall , it was quite an interesting encounter I will say! Like pretty cool about reading my characteristics....... Hahaha ok la bye!! And pictures on dinner & soghurt below! Bobian using phone to upload now so it can't be on top. Bear with it! Bye good night!

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