Friday 25 January 2013

3rd week of sch

Omg I'm neglecting this little space of mine! So busy with sch nowadays that I don't have time to talk to myself here ):

I promise I will update you during the weekends k. Unless I forgot about it hehe. There's like so many overdue posts I wanted to post about!

-Taiwan trip
-Hongkong, Macau trip
-Band concert : Passage of life
-And random whatnots

Ok before I go back to doing my GP hw, quick shoutout to my dear birthday boy, Justin! HAPPY BIRTHDAY. xx. Officially 18!!! Yay.

I'm so tired now urgh. Sleep some more and drama some more la!!! Hai. Good night and HAVE A WONDERFUL FRIDAY OKKKKKKKK.

Shall end off with a cute photo of the handsome birthday boy! X. Till then, ;)

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