Sunday 6 January 2013

Sch tmr


Sch's starting tmr! And I'm really damn sian now!! Homework's not done yet and omg I really can't imagine how I'm gonna cope being a JC2 now.... Plus I have to go to sch myself from tmr onwards which sucks big time. It's +/- 1 hours to get to sch. Which really sucks big big time now. Urgh.

I don't know why I'm so grumpy now but I'm so tired I don't know why. I woke up at 3 plus. You think I will be all refreshed and awake right? NO! I'm as tired as f. Maybe that time of the month is coming soon..

And I'm so annoyed with people around me. It's all drama and act nobody's gonna be honest with one another. I really hate it this way. It's so tiring to live through day by day with lies from you.

Hai. On a positive note, at least in sch tmr, I won't be that slackish and nua-ish, at least doing something. I really hope I can manage in sch and finish all my homework as soon as sch starts. You can do it, crystal, you can.

Alright bye. Wish me luck for sch!

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