Thursday 17 January 2013

Beautiful gestures in life

Hello there. I'm now late and walking to
Sch! Just wanted to share something really nice that ought to be mentioned! But it's so difficult to type when I'm walking so I'm gonna update when I'm having break later! Till then, ;)

Ok I'm back. Anw so as I was saying. I was late and was boarding a bus to sch, I saw something really nice. This auntie was boarding the bus, trying to pull up her grocery trolley, with some difficulty of course. I didn't even realise she had or would have any difficulty and didn't went forward to help even though she was just beside me. *guilty* maybe I should have kept my eyes more open to my surroundings..

And just as I was boarding, I saw this Malay primary sch/secondary sch boy actually helping her pull up the trolley without her even asking. At that moment, I actually smiled unknowingly at his gesture. It really heartens me to know that there are actually such nice and helpful people around in sg. Good job to that Malay boy!!! So proud of you young man!!

Alright having chem now, just wanted to praise him for such a nice little action. Beautiful. :) have a great day ahead! ;)

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