Tuesday 1 January 2013


It's 2013 now....... HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU OUT THERE!! Here wishing you a great great great year ahead of you! Hope you will be blessed with good health, luck, good relationships with family & friends, soar in studies, work etc etc! Huat ah!! We survive 2012!!

And yes, I'm back from my 14 days trip!! Thank god that I'm well and safe & had fun, will split my trip insides into a few posts! Hope you do look forward to reading it! hehehe. For now, its 2013! What's a new year without new year resolutions?? Come come! Let's share our new year resolutions! I know most of people's resolution only last for few weeks or 1,2 months. Well, that was the case for me last year. I think I came up with a long list last year which I can't even remember, let alone fulfill it hahahaha. So this year, I shall keep it sweet and short, how about a list of hmmm.... 5!

#1 Be less judgemental

I think I'm actually quite a judgemental person. I judge strangers or people even before knowing them, for their actions and appearance and stuff. I even judge my closed ones or friends sometimes. And I guess it's really pretty bad. Since I pretty much wouldn't like to be judged by others when they don't really know me well or understand me. So for this year, I shall be less judgemental and be more open-minded towards other's way of living!

#2 Finish all my homework

Well. In 2012, I actually didn't finish all my homework and its really bad since tutorials are the one that consolidate the learning. So for the sake of a good A level results, its time to finish all my homework. Speaking about which, I have tons of holiday homework left untouched. Shit.

#3 Put in at least 80% of my best in school

I gave up a lot in school last year. Be it tests or exams, I gave up hope in myself and studies, with less than half of my efforts! So this year, I don't aim for 100% (that's too much to ask for) but yup, hopefully at least 75%/80%! GO CRYSTAL WOOOOOO. No more excuses for myself this year!

******** #4 STOP BEING SO LAZY ***********

Hate to admit but I'm actually very lazy, yup very. Like sometimes I will just throw my things around, be lazy to bathe(ok dont judge me yet hahahahaha), or laze around a lot a lot. So this year, I think I need to get myself back,be more energetic and go the extra miles on doing things right, instead of going for the short route and being so lazy..............

#5  Lose weight

Target weight - 41kg. Target waist size- 25. Which means, eat more regularly and healthily!!

Ok, that's about all I have in mind currently. I think I should take note of it or paste these resolutions somewhere to remind myself constantly and hopefully be proud of telling people I complete all these!!

And one more thing to note is to not let my phone go flat during 2014 countdown next year. Yes, my phone flat near 12 plus am just now. gr. hahahaha.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your countdown! I spent my last few hours of 2012 sleeping actually. was tired from trip hahahahah.went out to chinatown at night to eat with my relatives to 2013. speaking about losing weight man. ok bye! Happy new year! Loves

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