Saturday 12 January 2013

First Week of School

Hi there! It's friday, which means week one is almost over. An update now on what I have went through this week! I will say..... week one for a start was pretty stress, be it for academic or personal reasons. Hmm.

Monday (7/1/13)

First day of school was rather ok. Had new classmates joined our class and I was pretty excited in going back school to catch up with my friends! Was greeted by these in the morning. How sweet....... :')

The one on the left was souvenirs from Cintia! So many things inside!! There's food, customised key chain, hair pin, socks,dustcap and handwritten note. Yay! And the one on the right's from Jafri, cute cute elmo socks. hehe. Thanks dears! x

Sticker in the goodie bag Cintia gave! Some of is really cute or cool. hahaha eg. You jump I jump or the dream catcher!

And yea, I already had tutorial and lessons on the first day of school. haha no time for intro or whatever, or actually no much use for it la. Most of the teachers pretty much just go through some of their class expectations and start with lesson proper already.

Stayed back after school with Kaiwen, Jafri and Hanshen to "study". Well, we were suppose to. But ended up catching up and updating each other on things that happened during the holiday haha. I like catching up! its like a nice feeling to be able to keep in contact and be updated on your friend's life. If everyday we can just go sch and chat............ Ok snap back to reality Crystal.

Oh and also I got to meet my new CT, Mrs Haugen. She teaches me Gp also. Well, I quite like her. She really gets me thinking about certain issue and she has the wisdom. She loves animal also, even going to the extent of saving snails she sees lying around. How nice. Subject teacher wise, only some are the same. Or rather only one teacher remained unchanged. Mostly changed teachers!

Reminder to self : Remember to write 2013 and 2SR27 hahhaha. I keep writing 2012 or my old class number......


Lessons lessons and more lessons. And APG check. sighpie.


I like Wednesday!! We had outdoor PE at pasir ris park and it was pretty fun! The main purpose was to bond with our new classmates and I think our class still has the class spirit there which is good!

We played like bonding games with 4 stations and my favourite one is the kayaking one! 8 volunteers was needed and I volunteered to play cos I thought it would be really fun and since I didnt took part in the 1st station hee. We had to kayak using our hands to some buoy to grab a mini plastic seal with alphabets inside which another group of our classmate used it to form a word! Paired with Hanshen and I'm so glad it didn't capsized because I can't swim. hehehe. So so so so fun! I keep screaming heh.

Then after all the stations, we went into the sea to play and splash each other. but one thing I have to say, the sea water was one hell of a dirty! Like there was litter, plastic bags and rubbish and the colour is really ew......... One of my classmate even stepped on wire. hai.

But I still had fun! Here are some photos taken by the sea. :)

L O V E  #oldschoolbutcute

♥. With some of the class boys.
(From left to right) Girls : Maria, Kaiwen, Me, Cintia
Guys: Han Shen, Augustine, Daniel, Ke Qin, Taishuen 

Bathed and rinsed with water after that and made our way to Ehub for lunch! Everyone was so tired haha. Was suppose to go Ikea actually (I have been craving for it for a few months) but some of them find it hard to go home from there. Oh well..... ): Ate at BBQ chicken!

Then, some of us went to yoguru to talk talk. Talked pretty long actually..... hahaha. like few hours, kinda h2h. glad to know some of my classmates better, cleared up ill feelings and have a better perspective of them.

So addicted to yoghurt recently I dont know why! Tastes so gooooooooood. Noms!


And..... its back to boring school again.


NO STAR LECTURES YET YAY. hence, ended school at 12.30pm and since there was open house, everyone ended early! Stayed back in school for lunch and to study(which I only managed to write the titles, ahem). Went to ah ma house after which I got to see my beloved ah ma and cousins after so long! I really missed them. but I ended up sleeping hahaha. Had dinner there as well. And my cousins was looking through old photos when we found this old picture of me and my cousin, Yan Ru! How cute right hahahaha. young us in our pajamas! But I think I actually look the same...... hmmmmmmm. My cousin looks so cute and pretty!

Went to Nex afterwards to pei mummy eat dinner. She had dinner at LENAS. and I ordered this!

Iced milk tea with cookies and cream ice cream on the top! NOMS. but the ice cream so little!

And we went to soghurt after that! So much yoghurt this week but I love it!!

And yup, this pretty much sum up the 5 weekdays of my first week of school. Really feel a need to catch up. hai....... There's cca in the morning tmr and the horseshoe crab thing tmr. urgh. I hope I can really tahan about the muddy horseshoe crab thing tmr, time to break my barriers and "just do it". Hope that really helps in saving the habitat. 

Alright, good night to you. x. sweet dreams :')

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