Tuesday 27 November 2012

30 posts letter update

Yes I know it has been super duper long since I did this 30 posts letter thingy! now that I'm having my holidays, I sure have more time to do it! hopefully I can finish all the challenges in this post! have fun reading maybe? ;)

P.S. I typed a post with all the 30 post letter updates previously for close to 2
hours and when I double checked again for mistakes using my blogger iphone app, it screwed up. IT FREAKING SCREWED UP AND DELETE IT. urgh. $&((%%##$@ &%^((&(&)%^$$#&^YFVJV&*$%E(T^VHJKB&(*!!!!!!

So this is a re-typed of it! hopefully I can rmb what I typed!! Please tell me this post is interesting or at least not boring since I spent hours on it! LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! ^^

Post 17 - Someone from your childhood
Childhood friend- Siew Cheng

Hi my dear childhood friend!! How have you been? It has been 17 years since we know each other huh? Since my birth cos our mummy are friends! Thanks for always playing with me when we are young when our parents are playing mj and stuff ! I rmb the dolphin you draw last time really very nice I was jealous of your drawing hahahaha. Thanks for being a love advisor (? LOL) when I was in lower sec where we talked about our bf and love related stuff hahaha. Thanks for giving me encouragements and listening to me up to date!! Thanks for never forgetting me and all the good memories we held! Although you still quite gl but k la I still love you hahaha. Eeeyer so cheezy. Do well in poly ok future chef, lets really catch up soon! ;)

POST 18- The person that you wish you could be
I mentioned what kind of person I wish to be before! Its under what kind of builder I posted previously  Go check it out? :)

To the kind of person that I wish I could be : Hey! How's life being that kind of person? Is it really good? I want to be you someday.And I hope I can one day, with my life experiences and lessons learnt. Wait for me ok, I will as time goes by! By that time I guess I would be proud to be you then because I would have achieved in life I hope.


Post 19 - Someone that pesters your mind- good or bad
ER. ERM. EH. AH. URGH. Hahaha I have no idea la haiyo!

But there's this person that I keep dreaming of recently! This month alone already 3 times! Hahaha. Day time night time all filled with him uh. YES! You know who you are haha ! The one that keep never bring me to gardens by the bay! Gr!

Letter to you: Eh when are you bringing me to gardens by the bay ah!! Must keep to your promise ok! I promise you I will wear nice nice and bring my Polaroid so that we can take nice pictures in our dream ok. Hehehe. And stop missing me so much la! Miss me so much until I keep dreaming of you haha

See! This is some back-up that you miss me too much ! Stop denying and turning around to say I miss you haha



Post 23 - The last person you kissed
Gossip gossip! Juicy juicy! Who's the last person I kissed?!? A hot A&F model? A sexy doctor? A cute stranger ?

The answer is none of the above!! Hahaha I quite no life one la, what happened to YOLO?? well good girls don't do crazy YOLOs you see hehe! The last person I kissed was a girl , a female good friend haha. Yes I kissed Crystal! That was during her birthday this year. See!

Letter to the last person I kissed : hi darling! Hope you liked my kiss! My kiss quite precious one ok! Be honored haha. Eh why I kiss you on your birthday you never kiss me on mine ah!! HMPH! I demand one next year ok !! Hehehe k la love you bye give you more kisses! Muacks muacks xx! ;)


Post 24-The person that gave you your favourite memory
My favourite memory.........hmm. don't have la haha. I got quite a bit of good memories!!

Eg. -17th birthday celebration with my loved ones
      -Recent chalet
      -O level results day

hahaha really quite a few that I don't have a favourite! :) So... to those who created some good memories for me, I really thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart! Thanks for putting in effort and time to create beautiful memories for me! I know one day when everyone changes, grow old or even if we dont talk anymore, we have memories to count back on to remember & reminisce the good times we shared :) THANK YOU.


Post 25 - The person that you know is going through the worst of times
Hey please stay strong ok. I know it's definitely tough and painful for you to be in this position. But no matter what happens , you did your best for her and she is blessed to have you looking after her. I hope she will pull through but if not, hang in there! I know I'm in no position to say this because I definitely don't know what you had been through but, as the Chinese saying goes, it's what you once shared and held that's more important, let go of the leaving. Stay strong. And trust in your own god. :)

Post 27 -The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Eh actually quite a few you know haha! But k la I shall choose this china lady that I came across recently! She really made my day! :)

So just last last Saturday, I was otw to cca in the morning waiting for the lift. Then, there was this Chinese lady who is my neighbor with her son waiting for the lift also. So I smiled to them and she was asking her son to call Jie Jie! So polite haha . Then we started chatting. She asked me what sch I'm from, how old am I , a really random Q - are boys my age rebellious ( HAHAHA) , whether I can teach her friend's son English etc etc. she just seemed like she had a lot of Q for me even though its the first time I saw her!

Hahaha but that's not why she made my day! Why she did so was because throughout the whole convo, I think she said "Ni hao guai ah" to me at least 5 times HAHAHAHA! Obviously I was quite flattered la! Someone that don't really know me keep calling me a good girl hehehehe so it totally brightened up my groggy morning hehehehe

To the friendly ah yi : thanks for calling me a good girl so many times hehe. It's nice to have such a friendly neighbor with your warm personality!! It's great talking and sharing with you more about Singapore life!! :)

I like friendly people! Don't you? Haha truth is I actually smile to random people when we have eye contact or I stepped into the lift or just really randomly quite a bit sometimes! I hope they don't take me as some creepy girl. Oopsie! Haha I rmb there was this one time I was crossing the zebra crossing with my ah ma, then this car stopped for us so I just smile to him( I do that quite a lot lately haha ) and his reaction was quite funny la! He drive alr then look back and laugh at me .

Eh i don't know whether he's shocked or think I'm crazy with his reaction but whatever! The point is BE FRIENDLY! Haha we are all Singaporeans! K la I'm not always that nice. Sometimes I will stare/curse/diao people when they are rude or push me etc without apologizing. Shhhh. I'm still human!

Post 28-Someone that changed your life
There isn't someone that changed my life totally! More like people who shaped me into who I am today and there's really a lot!!

e.g. -My friend's advises when I'm down
       -Huishi for showing me the true meaning of friendship
       -My parents' guidance
       -Inspirational videos
       -LCE (yes I do listen to LCE lessons during secondary sch! haha I like those inspirational/motivational  
        one hahaha O level period ma)

See! There's really a lot! People/things around me just shaped into who I am today! So to all those who shaped me into a better person as compared to few years ago, thank you!! I will continue to strive to be a better person :)

Post 29- The person that you want to tell everything to but am afraid to
aiyooooo I dont know la! I type until tired liao hehe. There isn't anyone that I actually want to tell everything to for now. For now because I hope my future bf or hubby would be someone that I can actually tell everything to! Now don't have uh. Its just like I have different people to tell that-person-more-suitable-or-relateable things to!

Post 30- Your reflection in the mirror
YOOHOOOOOOO LAST ONE!!!!! Haha why so cute this one.

Mirror mirror on the wall, hi reflection! I know nobody is perfect but eh some major problems is that .... WE NEED TO CUT DOWN SOME FATS and stop the pimples from growing etc etc!! You not bad looking la HAHAHA. and smile more and stand upright! you need to have more confidence uh!!

YAYYYYY IM DONE WITH ALL THE CHALLENGES!! FINALLY. AFTER TYPING THIS THING TWICE!! I hope you had fun reading and know me a bit more better after this!! Have a great day ahead xx

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