Sunday 25 November 2012

Chalet with clique

Remember how much I said I miss hanging out with my clique and going for chalet just few weeks back? They finally book it! Was really looking forward and feeling excited to hanging out with my darlings even though we slept the afternoon through hahahaha sometimes I wonder am I the only weird one who finds joy and happiness just hanging out with my loved ones no matter how boring it can get? Because, I really am happy when spending time with them haha


First evening & night (23/11)

Spent the night BBQ-ing. Lucky the rain stopped then. The rain only came back when we were cleaning up. really damn lucky lor!! much more food than last year although its like some protein feast with the lots of bacon strips and chicken wing they bought.



I very guai , got help to put butter and flip the food ok!! hahaha I did it out of fun la actually. Got some sense of satisfaction when the food is cooked well one leh. haha. and I was feeling like some experienced bbqing cook after one hour of helping out at class BBQ. hehe.

 And of course I took quite a bit of photos with ma homies! What's more fun than camwhoring and taking photos? ok la actually a lot more things are fun that that. BUT. taking pictures = yay. Thanks to whoever who invented cameras and created the easy convenience of uploading it now.

With Crystal. She was using her eyepower on the pit for the food to cook and fire to start up whole night.Quite good leh her skills HAHA

I recently realise my upper deck of teeth quite buck leh. I want to go for braces!! but I'm too scared for that ):



                  This skinny girl here always make me feel so depressed ): NEED.TO.SLIM.DOWN

With Stanley! We handsome or not?

With Justin! Pity we only took one photo during the chalet! ):







With Shaun! Pretty long since we hang out for such a long time

Got swag not



Alcohol the guys got. First time trying hard liqour. Tried the really diluted mixture though. Now you
know how guai a girl I am. HEHEHE.  I dont know how they enjoy drinking them. I swear the bacardi               gummy they made was numb and spicier than a tom yam soup. ew.

at the swinging chair at some KPT. I want a swing at my house also leh

2nd day (24/11)

Breakfast with Ivan at 5am. Both of us couldn't sleep due to Shaun's thundering snores hahahah

Went back to sleep after breakfast. haha had some good 3 hours sleep. Woke up and played cards and sleep again. hahaha who would have known that sleeping in chalet can be an enjoyment also? cos we really slept the afternoon through. till like 5 I think then we went ehub. haha the guys went to play pool shopped a bit then went back for BBQ again

With Huishi. oh and the Taiwan beer in the bottom right that I finally get to tried. its 100000000000000x better than the ones the boys drink. really.

went home after BBQ after that. such a long ride home and there was no seats. haiyo. 

really enjoyed myself even though there was nothing really fun or wow. but between those jokes, gay taupoks, sleeping, chatting, BBQ, playing , I found happiness. hahahaha who knows being happy can be as easy as this? 

signing off here looking forward to next year's. Have a great week ahead to you reading this! :) xx. Dont be jealous its holidays for me now poly students hehehe.

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