Sunday 25 November 2012

Run for hope'12

Hey! How has your weekend went? Good? It has been some time since I update, I just dislike updating using my phone when it comes to picture-ry posts. The picture sequence and size will be messed up & there's like no spacing between photos as well!

Anyway, good news is that I promoted!!

Phew! So much for panicking due to really last min work. I even went to check out poly admission criterias already. I'm not too sure whether I'm up for it or it is the best situation for me but I hope I will be in due time. For now, I'm liking the name of being called a JC2. Yeah man. haha

So an update on what I have done in the past week except for Nov lessons (sian that) , I went for Run for hope'12 , class BBQ. chalet with clique (Post will be up later)!!


Run for hope'12 on 18/11/12 :)


It was held in Marina barrage area, pretty similar to Nike WeRun track! seems like a pretty popular area for runs nowaday. So anw, went for the run with my sister. Woke up at 6am and reached there around 6.45! We can choose between 3.5km and 10km and we went for the 3.5km one. I think both of us took around 30min min? hahahaha. let me tell you, running with my sister is not a good choice at all. man. 

When we started the run, I was like jogging like usual. And then I turn to my right, my sister is yeah what, walking. Yes you get that, walking. She was like "I walk same speed as you jog". Walao eh. ): Everyone jogging the same speed as me lor. Not that I extremely slow or what zz. It sucks to have a younger sister that has better fitness than you. meh. But in the end after I started telling her how stupid she is looking, for walking  and running to catch up with me on and off, she started jogging. tsk tsk tsk. tong ren bu tong min, wo de fitness jiu shi bu shi hen hao man haiyo.


Some pretty photos of the scenery I snapped while running. blessed with a beautiful weather that morning.







Photos after run: 

                                                 my typical red ang ku kueh face . haha

                                                           With the mascot

You know I really have to say kudos to the mascot! It's really not an easy job man. Must be really stuffy inside the costume. I saw the guy taking out the head with people fanning him and giving him water for awhile. Good job boy! :)

I'm definitely going next year. Anyone wants to go with me already? I promise you I wont jog slower than your walking speed. LOL. :)

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