Monday 5 November 2012


Hey! It has been close to one week to my last update! Missing me? Haha

there was so much to blog about these past week actually, I went for Boccia national games as a referee , I went to meet my clique for ben's birthday and stuff! But when those were happening, my iPhone decided to PMS after it dropped on the floor and refuses to on until I googled "how to stop my phone's PMS" and found the remedy!

Ok I'm totally joking! But I managed to on my phone with the help of google anw! Happiest moment shared with my iPhone. Yay. Ok maybe not happiest cos I enjoyed every moment I watched drama ,read wattpad, Instagram and omg almost everything with my iPhone! iPhone , Y U SO AWESOME (like me)

Anw since I got nothing to talk about now. And I'm so tired as usual. I shall leave you with a lot of photos of myself. Ok maybe just one with a lot of me. the photo is right below below below. NO ITS NOT DOWN YOUR TUMMY LA!! dont need look so below. and! Yes I have my zi lian moment. You should be honored to see so many photos of me k! ^^ (LOL OK WHAT RUBBISH IS THIS .WTFreckles)

Bye bye. I wish you guys a good day and week ahead!! I hope your Monday blues weren't that bad! Walao talking about Monday blues, I tell you all ah! I just now a bit suay sia! I had this 2 hour $80 paid survey but the train freaking got stuck for 20 min! And I ended up never go since the person didn't want me to be late. Mehhhhhhhhh. ): ok now really bye Liao!

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