Thursday 29 November 2012

Holiday blues

I don't know why, now that its holidays, I actually feel obliged to fill up the blanks and update this little space! Maybe I'm just too bored!

Trust me on this, its only three days into the holidays and I'm starting to get bored. hahaha what happened to the lazy ass crystal who used to enjoy this lazing all day? This three days for me is basically wake up at noon.( Monday - 4 plus. Tuesday - 2 plus. Today -12 plus.) and the start of lazing around. I very much just spam drama, bloghop, wattpad and do whatever that keep me entertained. I eat at odd hours. Brunch's at at least 3pm and dinner's at like 9 plus 10!! 

I know your reaction, I really do. Let's scream out the reaction together...... NO LIFE. hahahaha no? Some said that I'm leading a shiok life when I tell them the luxury of lazing around all day. But really leh, I feel damn messed up and kauwek already with three days of life like that. hahahaha. I used to be able to do this every single day of holidays when I was in secondary school and have no complains about it. haha.


Maybe I just have more productive things to do on my list. e.g the load of holiday homework and e-learning to complete. hence feeling guilty and that this can't go on anymore haha. which leads to the feeling of no-life and boringness/boredness/bore (aye whatever is used to describe it). 

Or maybe I'm putting self pressure on myself to do work hence convincing myself that this luxury of life is boring. Cos I cant find any other legit reasons to complain about this kind of life which I used to enjoy and envy.

Anyway ,so far, the only productive thing that I have done is to start on my econs essay corrections. I'm hoping to finish it by today and strike at least one thing on my "to-do" list. Sometimes I wonder why the school make us copy the econs essay corrections they give us. One set of corrections comprises of Q1a,1b,2a,2b,3a,3b,4a,4b. And I can tell you its a damn lot of amount to copy with usually one part of the essay going up to at least 2.5 pages. Do they really think we can learn by copying corrections? Do they really do? Doesn't seems so most of the time when all we students just feel like we gotta copy this whole lot and submit it. But, now that I'm having my holidays and feeling a little more chilled, I shall be a good girl and internalise the corrections before copying! Yay for me??

and, I WANT TO GO OUT AND PLAAAAAAAY!! But my good friends, majority from poly are having their tests soon. haiyo. maybe its time for me to hit the library soon to complete my homework so that I don't waste this holiday and feel all guilty about it when it ends.

Hahahahaha, this post looks so meaningless. But what to do, I'm a lil bored right now you see. Please understand although I'm predicting some of you scolding me from the other end of the screen like "shen zai fu zhong bu zi fu" etc etc etc. HAHA. 

I shall end of this post with a photo I snapped of my first meal today. An ice-cream. See, thats what I mean by messed up cos I'm feeling too lazy to go down and get a decent meal. 

I think I edit this pic until not bad leh hahahaha. who cares about "self-praise is international disgrace"? This is called self-acknowledgement! I'm really a lil bored to spend time editing a simple photo like that hahaha.

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