Thursday 29 November 2012

Spicing things up

I don't think I will be having much interesting activities to blog about during this holiday until my overseas trip! And I felt the passion of blogging igniting again hahahaha. So I googled for "things to blog about". How original. Here's 14 topics I picked from a list of 100 from Chris Brogan that I thought I could make an attempt to try talking about! Some interesting ones and some GP-related ones that I thought is worth pondering over! It's similar to the 30 posts letter challenge I just completed. But this has more room to describe and talk about. Will be attempting these on and off. Soon. :)  

1) How I Use Facebook
2)Should My Town Use Social Media?
3) Somebody Has to Say It
4) My Children Will Do it Differently
5) If I Were an Advertiser Today
6) Books I Want to Write
7) If I Were a Television Producer
8) What I Spend Money On
9) Do Rock Stars Need Social Media Strategies
10) Ten Guilty Pleasures
11)When I Feel Frustrated
12)I want to brag a minute
13)Newspapers and how i would change them
14)Just when I think I am done


Till then, see you. x.

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