Sunday 19 January 2014


Ok obviously the universe doesn't like
me today. My day just started on a bad note. 

Firstly, I got chocolate stains on my shirt while packing my donut to work. 

And then I went to the mrt station to top up my card and the machine freaking ate my $10 and told me "Error, transaction cancelled. Please approach counter for assistance" or something like that. 

I went to the counter and he said they need 2 weeks to refund the money to me. Or I could either wait there and see if he can get the money out. But I was in a rush so I guess I just have to go back and check with them again. 

My $10 you also want to eat..... Fuuuuuu. 

Chill Crystal, chill, breathe in breathe out. Things will get better. 

Okay moving on, I went to collect my MOE edusave award yesterday. Received my Good Progress Award. Shocker there I know. In fact, I really don't think I deserve the award cos after all I didn't put in enough effort that I ought to be awarded. 

But yes, my rank points did improve by about 20 from j1. Not that my rank points in j1 is that good. My results were shitty compared to the rest of the school. 

Received it with sister. She received the EAGLES award! 

That's one of the volunteers explaining to me the significance behind the gov giving out the awards to students. Indeed, it's not only to motivate us to do better but it's also important to remember the award and encouragement received, and give it back to the society in the future! 

And this is us looking horrible (with the exception of the MP, he's looking great) , ok maybe I'm the only one looking horrible........ But that's the face you get after one tiring week of work and waking up early to attend the ceremony. Been so long, ok actually only a month plus , since I wore the uniform. Felt so odd la! 

Anyway the MP was nice! He made the effort to like talk to everyone and asked me about what I'm doing and about work. 

Went home to change and then went to Jalan Berseh to eat Laksa. Mummy got the laksa fever after watching the Channel U's 10pm show "Served hot". I didn't watch the show so I don't really know why people feel like eating laksa after that but apparently my other friend told me she felt like eating laksa too! Hahahahaha. 

The queue at the Jalan Berseh one was pretty long! Quite popular that stall, it's cooked over charcoal and it's only $2! 

Ordered other local delights too! 

Then headed to the temple to pray and bugis street to shop since it was nearby. It was only when we reached bugis street that I realise I'm quite an auntie. To make it sound more positive (who wants to be a aunty at 18 years old right zz) , I have good bargaining skills! 

Yay jealous right?!?!? Bought a skater skirt from one store (which later on I went to another store and found a better quality one for the same price hai) and then bought another floral skirt from the same store. And managed to bargain from $15 to $12. I'm so proud of myself right now. 

Then sis got a shorts from another store. It was originally $15. Asked the aunty to give me for $13, she said no. $13.50 (HAHA I can't believe I go bargain for $0.50) , she said no. And we settled at $14! Discount $1 I also happy.  

Haha I'm not that cheapskate ok. It's not about the discount or money saved but more like the satisfaction when I managed to get something cheaper than it's original price. It makes me feel good. Hashtag Auntie Logic. Hahaha

Actually I don't even know that bugis street can ask for discount one eh! Now I know! Muahaha. 

Ok good bye, starting work in 10 minutes. 9 hours shift today! I hope I don't look that tired that people call 999 and report that they saw a walking zombie. Bye! 

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