Wednesday 8 January 2014

Secondary school life

My sister's in sec 3 this year and seeing her go through secondary life just reminds me so much of myself last time. Haha. It's pretty interesting how much I've changed in my attitude and outlook in life now. Blame those hormones.

Secondary One (thirteen years old)

I actually remember going to school on the first day of school looking like a penguin. White top and long blue skirt hahaha. Don't know why I made reference to myself as a penguin that time, maybe cos its white like ice and blue like the ocean which I apparently perceive penguins stay?

 Aye anw, back to the topic I was pretty much looking like a nerd with those long skirts and yes, super high socks. 

It was pretty scary for me for first days. I mean you were practically the highest on the hierarchy chain in primary school. When you are in primary six, being the oldest around and practically the coolest shit out there. And boom, you are on the bottom in secondary sch as a sec 1 student.

 Lucky for me dad dropped me off on first day and I had my primary school friends esp Crystal with me! 

There are so many things I still rmb (I'm impressed my memory is not too bad)

- Making new friends at orientation camp and Crystal was kind of jealous because I was sticking around with this new friend and she cried. (HAHAHAHAHAHA sorry babe I love you) 

- Me and Crystal going into Cold War because of that and we both cliqued with different new friends 

- Shorter skirts, ankle socks, meeting new male friends 

- Feeling good about myself because at that moment, I get to know quite a number of male friends and got more attention & felt like the coolzxcbszbsjx girl (obviously I wasn't, I was delusional) 

- Having a new group of friends, particularly close to Nicole & co. (Thanks to my form teacher for changing my seat next to her) 

-Became rebellious and thinking I'm too cool for being mama and papa's girl 

Secondary Two (fourteen years old)

Our friendship phone chain with Nicole and Crystal
hahahaha that kind of look the cat super in trend last time! Like big eyes and weird looking and all.

Some of 2 Charity's girl

OOTD to a teacher's wedding. Market bag look-alike from bugis street last time, $10 only hahaha

super act emo shot. dull lighting somemore, emogurlgurlszvsvdsgvgz95

Secondary 2 was pretty much a very drama year for me. Like super drama.
One of the most drama one was getting a boyfriend and getting into lots of shit because of that. 

I got a boyfriend to call mine that year. It was sure memories to look back on now but I mean, if I can turn back time (which I so sincerely hope I could) , I would just slap myself tight in the face and ask myself what the freaking hell I was doing. 

Seeing my cousins and sisters at this tender age of 14 to 15-ish now, I truly see my concerns of my parents at that moment.  If my sister is to so much so get a boyfriend now (as much as I would love to trust her and believe she can be trusted just like I hoped at that age), I would be SO worried. I mean WHAUUUT, you are only 14 girl! Go learn your algebra, not get a boyfriend! 

Anyway, while I was sec two, I really got to say hormones fucked me up pretty badly. I was very rebellious (thank god those hormones didn't made me do drugs or smoke) for my own standards.

- I lied to my parents a lot 

- Scored really badly for my exams. I was placed in some rescue programmes because I was seen by the school as one of those who can't promote 

- Got into pretty bad relationship with my parents 

- Got grounded, I practically have to get home within 30 mins after school every day. Yes my dad would make me call him from home to make sure of that 

- Got my phone confiscated for a few months (IKR, how do I live without it? I survived anw haahha)

- Did extremely childish things that I regretted deeply up to date 

- Hurt people I cherished 

- Became friends back with Crystal yay.

- Hurt this girl who was actually pretty much a nice girl, but I guess I was jealous of the attention she gets sometimes and hurt her with words. Haters are truly usually the ones who are jealous of something others have (If you are reading this and happen to be that someone, I'm very sorry. You are such a brave and amazing girl) 

- LOL at this - diao and body scan people. Thinking this is extremely cool but it's just disgusting and ah lian-ish. 

- Pon CCA for like close to one year just because I wanted to spend more time with my ex bf (stupid ass me) 

- Got into disciplinary problems with messy hair, ankle socks, short skirts. I think my form teacher at that point think I'm extremely irritating (hi five to that). Even got myself into a one week detention which is pretty much retarded when I think of it right now

It was practically a year that I did the most utmost shitty things up to date and I really regretted some things a lot. But luckily by the end of the year, I pulled up my socks (not my ankle socks though HAHA) and improved my grades. Thank god I even promoted.

 It was truly a blurry year where I don't even know what I'm thinking and feeling. It was until this turning point that during one conflict and fight with my parents that they both teared (they seldom break down, even my mum who is by the way a really strong woman in my eyes) that I really realise the damage I have caused and kind of want to change.

Secondary Three ( I'm 15!)

shi act cute de lor

Can't stand my fringe hahaha cannot even see my eyes la.
How did I see things........

After exams. Exams must act act bring plastic folder one. Ya la stop staring I have pointy ears ):

Like pig like that HAHAHA

At USS with er gu and uncle meng!


At sis's birthday which she actually look unhappy in this picture.
Aw looking at this picture, I miss my old house

That year, it was when things really turned for a change I guess. I broke up with my boyfriend of 9 months( if you so happen to be reading this, I really wished we ended on a positive note and I'm really sorry for the ending) , made new friends (some which I previously judged so much but they, or rather, she is such a awesome friend I love) , got better results , went back to CCA

That year....

- Seeing male peers wear long pants and be amused by it 

- Got into different class with Crystal ): that smart girl went into pure science class

- Nicole which was one my closest friend that time migrated ( ): ) so I was forced to get out of my comfort zone and meet new friends

- A friendship with Huishi happened. Which I mentioned before in some blog posts that it was a very epic thing. Because I used to totally see her hen bu shuang last time. But she eventually became one of my bestest friends in secondary school and we are still close up to date and she's super amazing and strong ( <3 for you hui hui HAHAHAHA) 

- my results actually improved tremendously! I couldn't rmb whether it was sec 3 end or sec 4 start that I was top 5 of the class from like bottom position in sec 2. So guys, if you are doing badly, as long as you put your heart into it, you will do just fine. 

- Relationship with my parents got better which I'm so very grateful for. 

- Got more freedom too. At least I'm no longer permanently grounded lol. 

- Had a great 15th birthday celebration at Wei Xiang's condo BBQ pit. (Thanks guys hehehehe) 

Secondary Four (Sweet 16 lo) 

I have the best mum ever to bring me to JB's concert hehehehe.

Ok so obviously secondary 4 is one of the most important years for most of all because of the big O - GCE O Level's.

I was doing okay, but a few times I got off of track and grades dropped.

That year, I...

- Received my first MOE award -> Good progress award

- Had lots of afternoon supplementary lessons. And going for $2.50 chicken rice meal before that.

- Made new friends esp Stanley & co. We hanged out a lot at his condo to study or catch up frequently after school or weekends

- Had an amazing sweet 16. First time that I felt so loved and blessed in a long time 

- Became more religious which made me felt better and stronger emotionally 

-Was close to some amazing friends esp Justin, Yu Fei, Ryan, Huishi, Crystal, Stanley & co etc etc etc.

- Cried quite a bit 

- Got myself a really great tuition teacher, Jeremy, the best tuition I ever had. 

- Got myself more involved in CCA, joined SYF. I'm thankful for my teacher in charge at that time. On my CCA's farewell party, she said I was one of her fav students because I showed her that if I want to put my heart into something, I can. (Because I pon my cca almost a year previously and went back after my parents addressed some of my concerns and reservations about going back with her). But actually, no, thank you Miss Ong. Thank you for giving me a brand new chance to get back into the cca and allowing me to grow.

Hmm. It was quite a tough year but also a good year! Of course O levels put me into a lot of pressure, I mugged really hard a month from the exams, spamming TYS, revising. 

I remember there was this time when I was studying hard at home and I just missed my grandma so much (fyi, I hanged out almost everyday after sch at my grandma's when I was young even when I was in secondary sch because my parents both worked. So anw at that period, I haven't seen her for quite long). So I called her and asked her how she was. She was like "I was just thinking about you, you haven't called for so long. How are you?" 

Walao at that moment I just broke out into tears man, omg now I type this I'm tearing a little too. Hahahahaha but yes, so I cried at that moment cos I just miss her so much and thought o levels is so stressful. My mum was so shocked when she came out into the living room and saw me crying and me crying made news among my relatives HAHA.

Despite though stressful year, it was a year I was really maturing as a person. I'm very appreciative up to date of the support I received that year. I couldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for them. 

I remember my aunt got me a gift to reward me for getting an A for Chinese O levels which I still am so touched right now. Mummy and daddy constantly telling me they believe I can do it and gave me lots of encouragements through text, letters, actions etc etc. Grandma going to the temple to pray for me, getting me tonics and stuff. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!!!! Blessed I am truly (or rather blessed am I truly, or is it I am truly blessed, or I truly am blessed, aye whatever you know what I mean) . 


If I have to sum up my secondary sch experience in one word, it would have to be revolutionary. Hahaha probably too exaggerating a term but it truly was a crazy 4 years which I have changed and grew so much! And I'm so glad after that 4 years, I turned out well. Eventually did relatively well for O levels which surpassed mine and probably everyone's expectations with , good enough for JC (which is another story for another day) . But anyway, for those in upper secondary right now, I guess any senior would agree with you that O levels is definitely not tough as long as you put in effort! Just spam those TYS and revise enough you will do great! 

It was a crazy 4 years and I really hoped I wasn't such an impressionable teen back done. Really wished I was more matured. 

An advice for any teen and their parents out there is that the key is communication. Talk it out with your kids and understand them. And make sure they understand your point of view as well. Make them realise your worries and disappointments (be it why you want them home early, why you want them to do well in school, why you dont want them to have bf/gf). Talk to them.Trust them and work things out. Never resort to relentless punishments and beating without fully putting yourself into their view. Communication is more vital than anything. I'm glad that my mum built the bridge of communication eventually and that was the bridge that saved me. 

But anyway, ya la I was so childish last time. Now I think of it, pin up my fringe, wear higher socks, wear longer skirt..... HOW DIFFICULT IS IT OMG CRYSTAL ANG YOU STUPID ASS BIMBO. The many times I actually got scolded by teachers for that is totally not worth it la omg. I guess it just hormones (yet again), I was insecure. Advice out there : if someone loves/cares for you, they won't care about how you look. Period. As cheesy as this is (ooh cheesy reminds me of the yum cheese fries I had just now), you're beautiful just the way you are!!!! 


Ok it's 12.35am liao. I have work tmr! So..... I'm gonna end off this post right now! Good night world, stay gold and beautiful! 

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