Thursday 2 January 2014

2014 - Day 2 of 365


May 2014 be a good good good year (not one good, but 3 good hor) for you! Time really flies man, it felt like just yesterday I was counting down to 2013, which may I add on 2013 resolutions failed pretty badly....

Actually sometimes I think like why people or me myself say things like "oh I will go running, I will do blah and blah in the coming new year ". It's like if you wanna do something you can always do it NOW, why wait for new year right. Haha oh well, maybe it's really just a "new year new start" thing. But then again,  like why must wait for new year then start, why can't any other days be the time for a new kick start? Ok I think way too much. Rest brain, rest. 

Countdown for me was amazing! I mean it's not everyday you get to breathe in the air The Wanted and Wang Lee Hom breathed out right? Right! Even though I was really far from them ): like I can only make out their silhouette and see them from the big screen there. Oh well, it was sure an experience though! 

Kind of hoped I'm nearer to them in the moshpit though. And the atmosphere wasn't really high enough? Although I was like screaming like crazy hahaha. But the atmosphere quite sian generally, unlike concerts 

And we brought a camera that is extremely low in battery. No much photos ); hai, took videos of the wanted with my phone though. 

Right now I'm just chilling in mama's car typing this as we are having a car wash. 

Mad tired right now. Got woken up this morning at 9 plus by a call to go down to another employment agency for an interview. (No complains though, beggar can't hiam this hiam that) 

Went back to sleep until noon then started preparing to go out. Luckily mum drove there. Then went bugis afterwards with mummy cos she needed to deliver a policy to a client. Watched The Secret Life of Mitty at bugis too! 

Not bad la the show, although we thought it was an heavy adventure show, but it's not haha. The adventures at the start was his day-dreaming. The main lead - Ben Stiller is handsome though, (although he's a little old) so that makes the money worth it hehehe. Talking about handsome old guys, I just realise the MP I thought was really hot is in his 40s...... I feel cheated, like omg thinking he's hot is a little inappropriate isn't it! Man my dad is in his 40s too! That's so weird. 

It's 11.07 and I'm tired. Another interview at Clementi tmr at 10am. Finally an interview with a direct employer. Wish me luck!

Alright good night to you Internet-ters. Have a great TGIF tmr and good day for those in school. Make the new school year count!

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