Sunday 12 January 2014

Love. Life. Love in life. Life in love.

Amy and Benedict were a couple. They were dating for 1 year and things have been going great. 

One thing though about Benedict is that he's overprotective. He is clingy due to insecurity and past failure in relationships.

Benedict would call Amy a few times everyday to check on her, would meet her everyday, would forbid her from talking to guys. So what's wrong with this? 

Amy felt suffocated. So suffocated that she felt that she needs a oxygen mask. 

Her negative feelings got the better of her. She asked for a break up. 

Benedict was, of course, devastated. He begged and begged Amy, ask for all the chance he needs to get her back. He cried to sleep for nights.

Amy was persistent though. Very persistent. She needed her freedom and time for herself. She just wants out in the relationship at that time. 

She got herself in a relationship few months later while Benedict took 2 years to get over her. 

A few years down the road. Amy experienced a few heartbreaks and failed relationships. She thought back on all the different relationships after Benedict. 

After Benedict, the first guy cheated on her. The second guy just didn't had the chemistry with her. The third guy flirted around too much, she just couldnt trust him. 

She, she thought about it, Benedict was actually the perfect one for her, the best relationship she ever had. 

She realised Benedict's possessiveness was because he loved her too much to lose her. He cared for her, he wants to spend all his time with her. 

Amy regretted. 

"I need to get back with him, I realise I still love him" , she thought. 

She contacted him, ask him how things are going. She wanted one more chance to work things out. 

But fate wasn't in their hands.

 Benedict was already blissfully in love with another girl. He already planned to propose to her on her coming birthday. Things weren't the same anymore. 

So. What's left then is Amy's regret and sorrow. 


Just wrote this little story (ok its not even a story) out based on what I hear from people, see and witnessed. 

Sometimes, you are just so suffocated in a relationship that you just want out of it and later regret. It makes me wonder about life's irony. Two person was once in love, you expect them to grow old together but they didn't. Shit happened. 

Sounds like drama but where do people who wrote the drama plot gets their inspiration from? Real life. 

Sad. Sad sad story and sad sad happenings. You missed your chance, you missed it. That's that. 

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