Saturday 4 January 2014

Run pass me lor, run pass me

Hi guys. I'm currently sitting at a random bus stop now cos I'm too tired to continue walking back home.

Woke up at 6.30 today and can't get back to sleep. 

So I decided to go for a run (I'm not sure if it was a right choice though because I'm regretting it now). Went to google the time for sunrise which is 7.11am but I still didn't manage to see the sunrise despite leaving house at 7am...... 

And yes I'm so tired right now after 4 hours of sleep. Kind of got lost so I had a really long jog + walk. And after awhile I'm just like 


 "oh shit uncle walk even faster than me, aye walk lor walk lor" 

"Should I just stop right now and go Punggol plaza? Aye but then I walk so much go the longer route la"

"omg Im falling asleep now" 

"Let me go get some KFC ice lemon tea" 

"Eh but if I go KFC wearing a running outfit, people will think I fat ass or not ah. Go run liao then go KFC"

 "omg fml it's closed" (yes KFC suay suay haven't open, starts at 8am) 

"Sian can I take bus? But I so sweaty now I think uncle don't want me"

"Ah..... How about taxi? But I not enough money" 

And so after a whole lot of talking to myself, (yes above are my real thoughts along the way) , I dragged myself to a petrol kiosk and got a drink. 
Ayataka! I tell you the best part about running is the cold drink after the run. 

So right now, yes I'm still stuck in a bus stop cos my eyes are closing and home is still so freaking far from me.

 I've walked/jogged for 1 hour plus so far.

Why did I go out for a run? Remind me again please. I think I can get use to sitting at this bus stop and not move right now.


Guess who's back home now after two hours with some breakfast? 


Walao I'm so proud of myself! I don't usually eat breakfast and wake up until noon at least. Wa impressive Crystal! 

HAHAHAHAHA. Ok shall stop praising myself. Probably gonna head back to sleep after this...... Hehe

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