Thursday 16 January 2014

Train thoughts

Hello there! I'm on my way to work right now. So tired I can't even. 

I need some coffee right now. NOW NOW NOW. Lai ren ah kopi yi bei. 

Lai ren? Lai ren??? Ni men pao dao na li le ah. 

Wouldn't it be great if like there's beverage and snacks services on the train like those in England you see on TV? Or better still, if coffee can fall from the sky? Ok fine sorry,tired girl gibberish. Forgive me. 

I'm probably gonna get some coffee later but I have like this dilemma every morning. I want coffee BUT 

#1. There's no Starbucks (not trying to be a spoilt brat here but Starbucks tastes so good and it just makes you feel good) 

#2. There's subway coffee but it's freaking $3 for some machine made cappuccino.

#3. Well there's $1.50 coffee from some food stall but every time I step in I walk out smelling like hawker. The ventilation is pretty bad there. And I mean it annoys me la cos I bathe every morning and within hours I smell bad

#4. There's $1.20 machine coffee from 7 eleven. But the machine is out of order for days. Please repair it soon ok

So yesterday I settled for some soya bean milk. And since I was there, I ordered soya bean porridge with peanuts for lunch.

Really is geh kiang choice. It's too soya bean I can't take it. I mean like I'm drinking soya milk and then I eat this I feel like vommiting. 

Maybe soya bean lovers will love this but I still prefer my typical salty porridge.

Anyway Im really running out of food choices at my work place. In my one week of work, I ate like 3 times of subway. Subway is good though so it's not that bad. Luckily one of my colleagues buy lunch for us on the way to work from other places. 

I'm boring you with what's running through my mind ain't I? Forgive me hahahaha. I'm just really bored on the way to work right now. Continue reading ok. Got cute horse. 

Met up with Huishi and Crystal yesterday after work in town. These two rich tai tai went to manicure. Si xian mu de lor. Went to killiney for dinner! 

Ah see cute horse right! Haha. You are welcome

And my ootd yesterday in the fitting room while waiting for them. (Plus the gek sai face) There's what I wear to work almost everyday. Like skirt cardigan then some top. I REALLY NEED SOME NEW CLOTHES. 

Ok bye bye back to work! Have a great day! 

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