Saturday 11 January 2014



Of course you did right. Pfffffff. No brainer question, I mean who doesn't?!? 

Just kidding la. Stop vommiting and scolding me in your mind. I'm like predicting "wtf this Crystal so disgusting who does she thinks she is"


Anyway, I'm on my way now to dinner from work! It's my 5th day of work already, time flies man. Was late like 2 hours for work today oopsie. I was so so so tired last night I didn't even change my clothes and just slept right away. (Ya la damn lupsup I know) 

But luckily they didn't get mad at me and I just stayed later. Can't do that anymore man omg. 

Oh ya anyway, I didn't tell you guys right? I'm working at a tuition centre now as a centre admin. Nope not going to tell you which centre in case anyone decides to call me there and kajiao. Work's so far is not too bad, just kind of overwhelming for the first few days. 

So many things to learn, so many things to do, so many things to remember. I dreamt of work for the first four nights I'm not even joking. I was like feeling so stress in my sleep and I keep telling myself "aye don't think liao just sleep just sleep". 

It's better now already though! Thank god. And today at work was kind of nice after I got comfortable with the surroundings. Had a great talk talking to the accountant about his past and about love & marriage. Asked him stuff like "how do you know she's the right one when you got married?". Pretty interesting some of the insights!

 Tmr and Monday's my off days woohoo. I really need some rest.

Ok sorry for the boring work log today hahaha. Just thought I haven't been updating my little diary for some time already. 

Buh bye to you, X! 

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