Tuesday 30 October 2012


HEEEEEEEEY A VERY GOOD EVENING TO ALL OF YOU OUT THERE!! I'm Crystal and I'm your very first (and also last, and also only , and also the most awesome one) speaker for this evening!! Can I please have a show of hands who here are reading this blog to hear about what boring things I did these past few boring days?

 Wa that's almost everyone! I sure see everyone misses me a lot huh!!


HEHEHEHEHEHEH. Just too engrossed into OP scripting! now everyday OP OP OP OP OP. I want high high marks for my engagement please~

anyway!! come come let me tell you about my boring life since you all miss me so much! Doesn't it feels like eternity although I have only not be updating for 2/3 days? hahahaha. okok I need to mantain, getting erxin liao. Let me go grab a dustbin and vomit first

ok back. Anw, I didn't do much these few days leh! Well, I ate, I shit, I urine, I sleep, I do OP, I read watpatt A LOT ( werewolves, omg, loves loves), I had A level Chinese, I talk, I smile, I frown, I blushed, I fantasize (about hot alpha werewolves ) and ya lor!! haha. k la , A level Chinese , if any of my friends reading this are concerned (thank you so much for the best wishes and good luck xx) , it was okay la! I mean it was tough and I maybe will get C or B but I think quite hard for A leh... ): MY A....... HAI! i kinda took my time then end up left 5 marks blank.......

Oh and I was stressed also ):

k la just joking, I'm fine! these are just photos from my OP slides. :) My project's topic on teenage stress!!

ANYWAY MOVING ON! wa you know I was damn worried why I cant seem to walk in a straight line you know. like I feel like everytime I walk, I will knock into my friend beside cos I would end up leaning towards one particular side. So I googled "Why can't I walk straight" . Found out that scientists had tried to solve this question because humans actually CANNOT walk in a straight line. Phew, I thought I was the only one!!

K bye people, I'm off to prepare for my OP again! Talk to you guys soon. Take care and smileeeeee. :D ^^! Sorry if my slight high-ness disgusted you (which you shouldn't have any reasons to :) hehe)

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