Tuesday 31 December 2013

Science Centre Singapore

Went to Science Centre the other day with Bryan! Entry's at $10. We missed the Titan's exhibition which is practically about dinosaurs cos we weren't a big fan of them (I mean if it was about pigs or pandas, I would TOTALLY go) and we had to pay additional $15 for that.

There was no time anyway. Science centre took us the whole day. We reached at 12 plus I think! Science centre closes at 6. 

I've got to say I'm amazed. The Einstein after years is still climbing there. But a man has to keep fit to stay sexy. Especially Mr Einstein.

Here are some pictures I took

Do you see one face or two face?

Look closely at the pillar thing! There's actually a face formed. Cool huh

The famous dodo bird

Bryan with a tiger beside haha. Who looks so happy when you see a tiger you tell me

"We often see one side of a person, not knowing there is always a different side to him or her"
Absolutely true

Hey Mr S. R. Nathan!

Fire tornado

I think this was like some "guess the sound" thing. Like you have to match the sound made to the animals 

Iron fillings. This is super duper cool. It moves according to the song played. So you can actually see these iron fillings "dancing" up to the beat like a dance crew.

fishy fishy come come

It's a puffer fish! POOF please

Hey Dory. You filming your new movie in SG?

Dory and Nemo. Meeting idols in science centre even

I actually didn't know there was an Eco garden prior to this trip. Hahaha it was not bad for a walk. Felt like those queen walking with my nu cai (Bryan) through the garden. Super got the feel one hahahaha. The only bad thing about this garden is the Mosquitos. I always kenna bitten first one, damn suay. 

I know I sweet but Mosquitos you don't need to express your love for me so profusely. If you love me, don't suck my blood. I'm a sweet girl, love me the right way. 


I didn't really take a lot of photos of the science centre (rest assure there's way more exhibitions there than this if you want to visit) cos I really have no idea what to take hahahaha. My fav part about science centre is my Astronaut ice cream and the chicks exhibition. 

After trying this, I definitely think food on earth is much better. It tastes like biscuit which melts in your mouth. So I guess it is similar to ice cream in a way that it melts. Not too bad tasting though. Pretty interesting. 

These were like taken after we left the science centre cos we have no photos together taken in the science centre at all. So here's some ugly photos taken with science centre behind us. Hair fly like seaweed. (Actually no, seaweed like quite stick together one huh. Aye whatever, fly like kite) 

Taken at the mrt station. I have a lot of issues with these photos too. Why? I look like a freaking round ball kek sai-ing. Look damn constipated. Hate taking photos with people with small face. 

Life is so unfair. I look fat ):

This blog is like the only place I post my ugly and unglam shots. I guess because it feels like a personal diary than anything else

Anyway, it was a pretty great day out with Bryan to Science Centre! Was awed by some exhibitions even though the science behind them doesn't interest me that much (I prefer the fun than the facts). It's definitely a must-go place in SG. Quite a different experience I would say. And, of course the catch-up and laughters.

Oh, and thanks for the little piggy lucky charm! He meant to give it to me even before A levels but we didn't had the chance to meet up prior to this. But I'm sure the piggy will continue to give me luck all the way, right, piggy?

Thanks for the great day out & continue to do well in army Sergeant!



I realize having structure and schedule isn't too bad. At least it makes me feel alive and doing something productive.

Woke up at 10 plus. Which is pretty much a rare thing. (even though it was because I was woken up by a phone call) Got offered 3 jobs and went for two front desk interview with employment agency today. Changed my editor's market top bought previously on the way which the staff gave me wrongly. It feels fulfilling in a way.

But this discipline is making me lose a little of myself. The jolly and a-day-by-a-day me. Because I feel like I have to be ready to get back on track anytime, can't get back to extreme laze anymore. 

Anyway, countdown's party tmr at Marina Bay platform. Can't wait. The Wanted and Wang Lee Hom. What better way to end off the year? 

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