Thursday 28 November 2013


A levels are finally over! This has been like one of my toughest year to be honest and A levels felt like an eternity I'm not even joking.

I ought to be really really really happy now that I gain back my freedom right? But I don't feel anything strong in terms of being free or anything leh hahaha. Maybe because after all I did indeed do quite badly this round and probably won't do well. Hm.

But anw, I'm trying my best to convince myself to forgive myself of all the wrongs because after all happy or not, I have to live by the days. So until I get back my results next feb and decide my next step in life, I will try my best to enjoy my time and start afresh!

Hahaha. Anyways, this morning was like a mad rush for me. For morning papers, we usually have to be in the hall by 7.45am. I set like 5 or 6 alarms starting from 5.30am but the lazy ass me snooze all the way to 7am. SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME. I did the fastest washing up ever and called cab immediately! And cab fee cost me $13. HEART PAIN AHHHHHHHH. But it was either that or I will be late for my exams. Who ask me so lazy ass oversleep.

Sigh. I reached at 7.25 though HAHAHAHA. So much for rushing the taxi driver. I think he thinks I super kan cheong spider cos when I reached sch, he was like "still got 30 minutes ma" HAHAHA OH WELL.

After the 3 hour geog p2 today, went to the field to take some pictures with the girls haha.


I think my jump shots were not bad cos I first time look like I jumped really high in the photos HAHA. But its a matter of angle la. Cintia helped me to take it from like floor level tilting up so it looks like I jumped really high. Art student indeed!

But my face in the jump shots are really ugly. It either looks like I'm constipating or I'm eating my hair so, too bad no nice instagram-worthy photos. BOOOOO. Someone needs to give me a 101 how-to-look-nice-in-jump-shots tutorial, like seriously. 

And the consequences of the "trying to act artsy fatsy lie on grass" shots you see above is grass all over our body. hahaha. The things girls do for nice photos. Didn't turn out nice though hahaha


Ok those are obviously lies la. I think I quite no life HAHAHAHA. I went thai express with the girls, then went home help mum with some flight booking stuff (FYI I'm going taiwan next june woohoo *butt shakes*) , slept, watch catch-up episodes like "say it" and "the right U".

Despite a seemingly no life today, I'm feeling not too bad now la. "Say it" and "Finding U" really made me laugh a lot. Haven't laughed from my heart genuinely and wholesomely for quite some time. En lai is super duper cute trying to learn mandarin la!!! And " Finding U" is really nice! Similar to running man with missions except its pasting stickers on others.

Oh &&& I have an interview tomorrow at 10.30am at newton.I'm still wondering why I so kan cheong spider sign up so fast for job........ I haven't even have enough rest time at home.

Well, but responsible me can't possibly withdraw last minute, shall find out more about the job tmr and make my decision.

I'm also meeting Crystal and Huishi tmr *celebratory dance*!!!!!! We're probably gonna go hang out at some cafes and go shopping for my prom stuff.


OKKKKKKK THAT'S ALL SEE YOU BYE BYE. I have been tasked by mummy to go find some information of sunflower and lavender farms to visit in Taiwan next year hehehehe bye.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

I love passion fruits with a passion


So here's a post dedicated to my passion fruits HAHA

Had been looking for these babies since weeks!!! The last time I had it was weeks ago bought from NTUC. After that I couldn't find it anymore! 

Every time my parents go out, I will tell them "buy me passion fruits ah". We even specially made a trip to ntuc to find it. But we couldn't find it in various supermarkets and ntuc said its out of season! 


Mum bought it for me from cold storage today! Guess who's the happy girl?!? 


Saturday 23 November 2013


Hello. I'm immersed in the Indian culture today. Er somehow la haha. Here's my tribal top from hongkong f21. The last time I wore this I told my friends I look like a walking tribal peacock or something HAHA. And then Stanley said I look like some red indian or something like that haha

Went to Ang mo kio for Prata cos we needed to drive grandma there 


Then went some cozy cafe called........ Damn I can't rmb. Something new deli? 

Had sea salt brownie popsicle with vanilla ice cream. $2.90 only!!!! 

And we camwhored or take selfies. Do you know selfies are voted as the most used word this year, ahead of other words like "twerking" ? Haha cool. 





Oh and one more pic that I wanted to post on Instagram but I can't decide whether I should. Cos I don't know whether I looked good. So since I already edited it, here it is.

Don't waste my efforts la hor! Ok bye! 


X-factor time now.

Human Geog can wait. 

Friday 22 November 2013

So this is the porridge sis cooked. Hmmmmm. Ok la can pass. Hahaha 

And here's my dinner. Fats fats fats fats fats. The cheese is screaming fats at me. Boo. 

I'm having a really bad headache now I don't know why. I slept really long la. Urghhhhh. ):


Woke up crying. It was that kind of dreams that you ended up crying in your sleep. And then the crying somehow wakes you up and you continue crying awake. 

It was a similar context to several dreams before that I woke up crying. So I don't really know what to think of it. But, since some dream interpretation website says it's a sign of releasing your deep emotions and a process of healing, all is good I suppose. 

It's 2.44pm and I just woke up not long ago due to the numerous dreams I have every single night it's wearing me out. Yesterday in another dream I dreamt about getting attacked by terrorists and I had like guns. And somehow I was a teacher so to protect the students I told them to protect themselves with scissors and knife blades etc. 

Ok too much drama I'm having a headache now. 

So I'm still on bed now waiting for my sister to cook us some porridge. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It's such a miracle cos I can't remember any time else she actually cooked something for me. The only time she cooks is probably only Maggie mee for herself hahahaha. 

So nice of her hor. She just told me "I cook you wash the dishes" so I guess I have to wash the dishes later. 

Hahahahahaha. Alright bye 

Thursday 21 November 2013


I demand you to supply me............. Ok I can't think of anything. I will admit it, it was a bad attempt at making a econs joke. Lame.

Went for brunch at Lola's Cafe today with Kaiwen and Maria after our econs paper. 

Our $12 truffle fries with grated parmesan cheese or something like that. I hereby conclude that it's a waste of money!!! Not worth the money at all! It's just normal fries with very little cheese. And we didn't even finish cos it's not that nice! 

Avocado Eggs Benedict ($15) that I shared with Kaiwen! Yums and thumbs up for this one.

Maria's breakfast at the back! 


Ok bye. I'm going to sleep now.

Wednesday 20 November 2013


These made me so touched....... Best teacher ever and best geog department that did their best for us students. And now I feel so ashamed of myself for giving up. :'( 

She sent so many edited photos of related geography stuff to encourage us after every paper.. Just got to love my sch's Geog department team. 



A teacher who has passion deeply inspires, indeed. 

1.24 am, what's up?



Tuesday 19 November 2013

Solo Travelling

(Pic credits: Google images)

Nope, this is not a game of "guess the country"


Ok this probably don't sound like something people or rather even I myself would expect me to say but.... I WANT TO GO SOLO TRAVELING

I don't know why though but I just really want to go travel alone. It feels like it will be some kind of test to my independence level and mental strength,putting myself to a test.

And of course when you are alone traveling, you can have the freedom of enjoying what you want to do alone and not caring about anyone else. 

It's probably a good time for some soul-searching also.

 And just nice recently I had a dream where I flew to Bangkok alone trying out the cuisines and shopping all alone. But in my dream, I missed the flight HAHAHAHA. There's probably a high chance of that happening in real life also. Ok maybe not, as long as I don't oversleep and set lots of alarms hahahaha. 

SO ANYWAYS. Googled for some places suitable for female solo travelers and some suggested Asian countries includes Vietnam, Laos , Bangkok, Hongkong , Taiwan. Vietnam surprisingly is suggested on a few travel websites due to the low crime rate and rich culture. Sounds not too bad. 

And of course the websites suggested European countries as well but #1)no money #2)too far #3) a totally different type of culture so I'm crossing out European countries for now. 

So................ if I were to go travel alone, I would probably pick Vietnam/Bangkok/maybe those beach areas like Bali, Phuket, langkawi. Can I go now?

Sidetrack a bit, talking about beach, I recently dreamt about going to the beach alone too HAHA. I have pretty weird dreams but I think in my dream I went to sentosa to study there. I laid out a towel and lie there to study HAHAHAHA. Actually sounds pretty relaxing and nice to study huh?

But of course I'm only 18 now so going traveling as a female alone probably isn't too suitable but I hope one day I will, maybe at 21 years old I will do that. I can't wait. 

Monday 18 November 2013

Monday nightmares

Saw a 9gag picture that says "the shortest horror movies  - Mondays". Touché. You are absolutely right mate.

Had econs paper 1 today which was pretty tough. And partly cos I didn't study much too. 

You know few months back, if you told me I would give up for A levels and not study much, I would have told you confidently that it's impossible. But now, every single paper, I give up. Damn. I think I'm even more hardworking for school exams. I hate the current Crystal Ang. 

Anyway, went to ice edge cafe with Kaiwen and Maria after our paper today. Initially wanted to go to lola's cafe only to go there and realise that it's close on Mondays. Boohoo. 

Went ice edge at around 11.20am but its only open at 12pm but the nice chef let us in anyway hehe. The cafe was empty except for us. We get to experience how it feels like if someone booked the whole cafe for us for free yay. Self console only eh? 

Free ice lemon tea for us because of some kitchen delays. 

One for one mushroom soup. Pretty good, it's thick!

And one for one spaghetti bolognese also. So me and kaiwen ordered one each! Pretty plain though. 

And soursop ice cream for me! I really wanted the rockmelon ice cream cos I came here before with Ryan and tried it and it was good! Like the flavour was really authentic but too bad they didn't have it today. 

This is for $5.20 and I didn't finish at all. I was full ): such a waste of money. And I was kind of pressurized into buying this by the staff hahahaha. I went over to the ice cream bar to look at the ice cream and he was damn nice la, he keep giving me like samples non stop, like more than 5 flavours including a salted egg ice cream (ahem it tasted salted egg-ish). I haven't finish the one in my mouth he gave me another spoon of flavour to try alr hahaha. So nice........ &&& So if I don't buy paiseh right? So buy lor. I damn easy get pressurized one hahaha. 

But anyway their gelato is really good la! The flavours are really authentic and rich. Lunch there was pretty okay since there were some dishes available for 1for1 as part of the lunch promotion.

Ok that's all. Geog paper(physical)'s in 1 and a half more day............... I hope I will study...................... Bye xx. Have a great week ahead! 

Stay strong and please don't give up like I do. You will regret it.