Thursday 7 November 2013

Happy birthday Nicole!

Hi Nicole!

HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY WOOHOO! You are finally legal! Hope you will have a great great great day and best wishes!! 

Posted this early because your birthday is my first day of A levels! What coincidence huh haha. Wish me luck! Come to think of it, it's already 6 years we have known each other. Looks like we really have to thank Mrs chin (omg is that her name I can't rmb HAHA. The big eyes teacher) for moving Gabriel away from you and changing my seat to sit beside you! 

Thanks for being such a awesome friend in my secondary years, enduring with my nonsense and rubbish and ridiculous "step yi ge" personality last time. Looking back now, I really can't stand myself hahahaha so act and childish I want to slap myself. Really enjoyed the times when we had breakfast/lunch, tuitions, chats, laughters and times together! You have taught me so much as a friend! I admire how humble you are and your "cool" character. It's like you always got everything under control, hahaha. 

I can't wait for you to come back next year! I'm sure we will have more fun!! Meanwhile, do well in Germany ok! Keep warm since its gonna be winter time soon! And study hard, be happy!!!! I envy you since you can see all the cute Ang moh guys and theres winter over there!! I guess the grass is always greener on the other side HAHA. 

Ok I got to continue studying, you take care and have a blessed birthday alright! LOTS OF LOVES ; xx. 

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