Saturday 23 November 2013


Hello. I'm immersed in the Indian culture today. Er somehow la haha. Here's my tribal top from hongkong f21. The last time I wore this I told my friends I look like a walking tribal peacock or something HAHA. And then Stanley said I look like some red indian or something like that haha

Went to Ang mo kio for Prata cos we needed to drive grandma there 


Then went some cozy cafe called........ Damn I can't rmb. Something new deli? 

Had sea salt brownie popsicle with vanilla ice cream. $2.90 only!!!! 

And we camwhored or take selfies. Do you know selfies are voted as the most used word this year, ahead of other words like "twerking" ? Haha cool. 





Oh and one more pic that I wanted to post on Instagram but I can't decide whether I should. Cos I don't know whether I looked good. So since I already edited it, here it is.

Don't waste my efforts la hor! Ok bye! 

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