Friday 1 November 2013

Haul of the day

Hey there!

So you know how a lot of bloggers have like "hauls of the day" posts or vlogs? I have it too! And why is it I went shopping when it's one week from my a levels you may ask? 


Just kidding. 

Went to polyclinic in the morning so here's my first "buy of the day". Ok lame. 

Turns out I have throat inflammation so here's paracetamol + lozenges + antibiotics + cough medicine for me. Boohoo. 

After that went to Starbucks to study. I'm so glad it's Christmas season in Starbucks alr! So many pretty tumblers,pretty plastic and paper cups , deco and seasonal drinks. MOCHA MINT FRAPPE WOOHOOOOOOOOOO. Mocha mint is my absolute love every Xmas season when they have it. I wish they have it all year round. And here's my second buy of the day. 

Hibiscus shaken lemon tea! My first try and I have to say its really not bad!! Probably gonna have it again. Oh and by the side is the Christmas season products catalogue. Ahem I want the pretty tumblers ahem ahem thanks ahem xmas ahem. 

But anw half way through studying it was raining really really really heavily and I was at Starbucks outdoors so I went to Burger King to study and bought a hot tea. Nope no photos. 

Then went to watsons cos I really needed tissue and I had no tissue with me. But I'm glad I did because THE TISSUE IS SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE. After buying the tissue my mood increase by 20% at least I tell you. If you want to make me happy, buy me pretty and cute tissue everyday. I kid you(not). Ok maybe not everyday la, if you buy me pretty tissue everyday it will be quite weird............

One of the sides with their "family portrait" 

And with their solo selfies. Didn't know Sesame Street has iPhones to take selfies too huh? 

And got this bio essence spring water spray too! Wanted to try it for quite long but the usual bottle size is quite big so didn't buy it! Just nice watsons was having this small little one(25ml) for $2! So I bought it! 

According to their adv it's suppose to show some results eg lifts your face, lighten your dark circles etc etc within 5 min. Tried it on one side of my face and ok la 5 min later, the difference like 2 or 3% uplift only. And that 2/3% might be my xin li zhuo yong only. HAHA. 

And that's all my buys today. 

Till the next time, buh bye. xx

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