Tuesday 19 November 2013

Solo Travelling

(Pic credits: Google images)

Nope, this is not a game of "guess the country"


Ok this probably don't sound like something people or rather even I myself would expect me to say but.... I WANT TO GO SOLO TRAVELING

I don't know why though but I just really want to go travel alone. It feels like it will be some kind of test to my independence level and mental strength,putting myself to a test.

And of course when you are alone traveling, you can have the freedom of enjoying what you want to do alone and not caring about anyone else. 

It's probably a good time for some soul-searching also.

 And just nice recently I had a dream where I flew to Bangkok alone trying out the cuisines and shopping all alone. But in my dream, I missed the flight HAHAHAHA. There's probably a high chance of that happening in real life also. Ok maybe not, as long as I don't oversleep and set lots of alarms hahahaha. 

SO ANYWAYS. Googled for some places suitable for female solo travelers and some suggested Asian countries includes Vietnam, Laos , Bangkok, Hongkong , Taiwan. Vietnam surprisingly is suggested on a few travel websites due to the low crime rate and rich culture. Sounds not too bad. 

And of course the websites suggested European countries as well but #1)no money #2)too far #3) a totally different type of culture so I'm crossing out European countries for now. 

So................ if I were to go travel alone, I would probably pick Vietnam/Bangkok/maybe those beach areas like Bali, Phuket, langkawi. Can I go now?

Sidetrack a bit, talking about beach, I recently dreamt about going to the beach alone too HAHA. I have pretty weird dreams but I think in my dream I went to sentosa to study there. I laid out a towel and lie there to study HAHAHAHA. Actually sounds pretty relaxing and nice to study huh?

But of course I'm only 18 now so going traveling as a female alone probably isn't too suitable but I hope one day I will, maybe at 21 years old I will do that. I can't wait. 

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