Monday 18 November 2013

Monday nightmares

Saw a 9gag picture that says "the shortest horror movies  - Mondays". Touché. You are absolutely right mate.

Had econs paper 1 today which was pretty tough. And partly cos I didn't study much too. 

You know few months back, if you told me I would give up for A levels and not study much, I would have told you confidently that it's impossible. But now, every single paper, I give up. Damn. I think I'm even more hardworking for school exams. I hate the current Crystal Ang. 

Anyway, went to ice edge cafe with Kaiwen and Maria after our paper today. Initially wanted to go to lola's cafe only to go there and realise that it's close on Mondays. Boohoo. 

Went ice edge at around 11.20am but its only open at 12pm but the nice chef let us in anyway hehe. The cafe was empty except for us. We get to experience how it feels like if someone booked the whole cafe for us for free yay. Self console only eh? 

Free ice lemon tea for us because of some kitchen delays. 

One for one mushroom soup. Pretty good, it's thick!

And one for one spaghetti bolognese also. So me and kaiwen ordered one each! Pretty plain though. 

And soursop ice cream for me! I really wanted the rockmelon ice cream cos I came here before with Ryan and tried it and it was good! Like the flavour was really authentic but too bad they didn't have it today. 

This is for $5.20 and I didn't finish at all. I was full ): such a waste of money. And I was kind of pressurized into buying this by the staff hahahaha. I went over to the ice cream bar to look at the ice cream and he was damn nice la, he keep giving me like samples non stop, like more than 5 flavours including a salted egg ice cream (ahem it tasted salted egg-ish). I haven't finish the one in my mouth he gave me another spoon of flavour to try alr hahaha. So nice........ &&& So if I don't buy paiseh right? So buy lor. I damn easy get pressurized one hahaha. 

But anyway their gelato is really good la! The flavours are really authentic and rich. Lunch there was pretty okay since there were some dishes available for 1for1 as part of the lunch promotion.

Ok that's all. Geog paper(physical)'s in 1 and a half more day............... I hope I will study...................... Bye xx. Have a great week ahead! 

Stay strong and please don't give up like I do. You will regret it. 

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