Monday 23 December 2013

Christmas gathering at aunt's

I'm actually pretty excited for christmas this year because it's for me one of the most happening christmas season in years with a few christmas gathering. Had a gathering with my relatives over at aunt's house yesterday and there's another bbq with my mum's friends tmr, maybe an outing with my fav girls on Christmas and bbq over at Florida on Thursday!

Super love getting together with loved ones, its a nice feeling to be catching up for me even if we are not doing anything much, it just feels good hehe. Oh and since winter solstice/ dong zhi was yesterday, we had a mini prayer at home with offerings for ancestors and god. It's also the time where I get to eat cute little tang yuans. Parents bought this though.

Tang yuan chi le he jia da duan yuan!

Went over to aunt's house after that. I like going to her house cos she stays at Pinnacle at Duxton and the view from her house (level 34) is really nice!

Beautiful scenery on the way to her house

She bought super cute ginger bread man too! But sadly I'm not really a huge fan of ginger so I don't like it.

Spot her Shitzu, Kiki underneath the TV console. I kind of feel bad every time I go over because I'm quite scared of dogs although I like dogs. Yes the irony. I just don't like the feelings of dogs coming over and licking me.... Like what are you going to do with me!! So whenever me and my cousin Yan Ru go over it's like a case of "got dog no me, got me no dog" (direct translation from chinese ftw). So usually the dog is kept away from us with a child locked gate. I'm sorry kiki ):

I don't know why but this is quite pretty. Like colourful and nice. Kids toys are so pretty!

Kiki blending in well with the carpet hahaha.

The chrismas tree is really pretty & "home-ly" feeling! Thought it was a good idea to put up polaroids on the tree.

With xiaogu and mummy. Ft some photobombs behind.

WHY SO HANDSOME. Cousin Isaac.

with momsie


handsome boy never look at the camera ):

bimbo max

er gu with the cake we brought over haha

We not only have one log cake but two! Christmas season is indeed the season to get fat. A season to make us all look like santa claus. Must be santa's evil plan to make us all look fat together so that he's not the only one

Super super super pretty durian log cake mum bought from groupon. It's from durian mpire! I think it was like $40 plus. Prettiest log cake I've ever seen!

Chocolate log cake aunt got from bakerzin!

Yay I got presents!

With the pretty Yan Ru.

Present Er gu and Xiao gu got me! Another step closer to make up hahaha. Got the brushes now, all I need is to go get more make up.


with the cousins and sis (missing 3 other cousins)

hahahaha Isaac looking cute behind

what am I doing omg

ok I look stupid but the main focus of this is the cute little boy behind hehe

Seriously I see cute little toddlers and kids I want to faster get married and have children myself HAHAHAHAHA. The whole night me and Yan Ru was like telling each other "eh you faster go give birth leh". hahaha but yes it's impossible until like maybe 10 years later la. So we thought of persuading our mums to give birth HAHA. oopsie.

And so this kicked start this year's christmas gatherings. Thank you xiao gu and er gu for the bobbi brown make up set! Good for me cos I thought of buying it haha. And thank you da gu for the organizers or storage boxes. You didn't buy it for me because you felt that I was too messy right? hahaha.

Alright bye! Can't wait for the christmas eve BBQ at pasir ris park yay.

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