Monday 9 December 2013


Spent my weekends mostly teaching Bryan maths or nua-ing around! 

Luckily I still haven't forget my differentiation and integration hahaha. Haven't met him for 2 years. And this time round he suddenly ask me maths (wa thanks ah so much faith in my maths) cos he's having his poly maths common tests soon. So I tried to help him(I hope I didn't teach him the wrong stuffs) hahaha. 

Met on both saturday evening and sunday afternoon. Hahaha photos above all screenshot from his Instagram! Haha can't believe he took such unglam photos of me.

 I look stress anyway. Cannot solve the question very pekcek, hence explains the above pictures haha. 

HAHAHA. Ownself take my phone and take selfies! Eyes so nice............. Double eyelid and long eyelash. WHY I DON'T HAVE, SO UNFAIR URGH


Went to celebrate dearest grandma's birthday at Elias mall today.

But before that, met my cousins, Yanru and Yanqi at Nex cos we wanted to make a birthday card for grandma. Bought the materials at popular then went to Starbucks to do! 

Just got to love my peppermint mocha. I totally need a personal barista or like those cool kickass coffee machines at home. Or maybe Starbucks can just have a 24/7 delivery hotline? 

And ta-dah our end product after all the pictures are pasted and everyone wrote on the card. 

Dinner was at Elias Mall. 

Photo with dearest grandma. An amazing grandma, mother, godmother, mother-in-law, aunt etc etc to us all. In short, the best elderly figure I could ever have. She's one of those who dotes me the most and I would never trade anything for that. She's like one of those people who would put her loved ones above her own needs. So much love :')

Happy birthday grandma and we all love you xx. 

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